Icebreaker Wind Project Thaws Siting Board Freeze

The Icebreaker Wind Project, the nation’s first proposed offshore fresh water wind farm, is expecting approval for its environmental applications to the Ohio Power Siting Board. LEEDCO, the project’s owner, had submitted an application initially in April this year. However, LEEDCO’s application was judged to be incomplete due to incomplete data collection and analyses of environmental impacts to birds and other wildlife. Last week, LEEDCO submitted new environmental applications to the Ohio Power Siting Board that it had developed in concert with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). The ODNR used a process of tagging and tracking game fish. An ornithology expert working for LEEDCO said the location was “the lowest-risk project of any he has worked on”.

The Icebreaker Wind Project is planned to be six 3.45 MW wind turbines located 8-10 miles northwest of Cleveland. At a nameplate capacity totaling 20.7 MW, the project is hoped to stimulate industrial growth and development as well as help generate cheap electricity for Cleveland.

Approval by the siting board is expected but it’s not the end of the application process. The siting board will take up to 90 days to determine the project’s merits and then open public hearings. Cities in the surrounding area must also pass resolution to support the project.