Lower Your Ohio Utility Bill In 2023

Is your Ohio utility bill getting out of hand? Maybe you’re looking for a way to lower your expenses this year. With 2023 natural gas prices projected to hover between $6.50 and $7.50 per MMBTU, you can expect electricity prices to follow suit. It’s important to realize these prices are well over 2022’s highest price of $5.04 per MMBTU. What are the 5 best energy resolutions to save you money this New Year?
Lock In A Fixed Rate Before Prices Jump
If 2022’s electricity price jumps were anything to behold, we’re going to be in a rough patch in 2023. Locking in a fixed rate plan before prices go any higher can protect you from sudden increases. The Prices To Compare for each company are determined on different schedules. Firstly, the AES Ohio price to compare expires at the beginning of April. Duke Energy changes monthly, and no updated price has been released. Additionally AEP and all First Energy Ohio utilities change their PTC quarterly. These rates expired at the end of 2022 and new PTC rates have not been released. Therefore, you should shop around for a new fixed rate in your area to avoid bill increases this year.
Best Energy Update: Your Appliances
The start of the year is a great time to start considering updates to major appliances. Upgrading to new Energy Star rated appliances in your home can save you up to 20% on your electricity bill depending on the improvements you make. This can range from switching your oven, to remodeling the windows of your home to be more energy efficient.
New Year, New Insulation
This year, resolve to take a look at what your home is working with! Adding insulation to your attic can help with reducing heat loss and heat gain during the seasons. The minimum recommended amount of insulation for attics is 10-14 inches. If you’re working with less, it may be time to start looking into adding more insulation.
Best New Year Savings: Energy Audit
If you want to find more savings then consider an energy audit. An energy audit goes through your home and analyzes how you use energy and what may cost you the most money. This could be due to inefficient systems, damage, or the simple passage of time. Finding an energy audit in your area can be started through your gas company.
Little Things To Ring In Best Energy Savings
Lastly, not every resolution has to be for something major. You can resolve to make small changes around your home as well. This can be as simple as swapping old incandescents and CFL bulbs for LEDs. By the same token, refitting the weather stripping on your doors and windows to keep out drafts. Any number of small improvements to your home can help reduce your energy usage, and concurrently, your Ohio utility bills.
Resolve To Lower Your Bills In 2023
A new year can mean great new changes to help your household save money. If you’re still struggling to lower your electricity bills, check out all of the helpful tips and tricks that we have available. And when it comes time to switch and save on your electricity rate, check out the best plans at www.ohenergyratings.com.