Make The Night Brighter With These Tips

Looking to light up your New Year’s Eve, but worried about the dent that that glowing tree is going to be putting in your wallet? This holiday season, stop worrying about your Ohio electricity bill. Try out these five energy bill saves for your holiday party.
LEDs Lower Your Energy Bill
LED fairy lights are the way to go this season. LED lights use up to 75% less electricity than traditional incandescents, and last longer. You can even get strings that allow you to change the color of the lights, making them great for any party. Use strings of LEDs to light up your trees, tables, or wherever you would normally put light strings.
Lower Your Thermostat
Between running your oven and piling people into your home, you might find that your thermostat kicks on less during parties. After cooking, save on that built-up heat by leaving your oven door cracked after it’s turned off. Additionally, lower your thermostat to around 68ºF. It’s proven to save around 10% of your energy costs.
Slow Cooking To Save On Energy Bill
Slow cookers and crockpots use significantly less energy than your standard stovetop. In fact, if you’re using an electric stove, crockpots will easily slash energy usage by 75%. Additionally, that warming function means you don’t have to worry about fire hazards like chafing dishes or candles.
Use Your Oven Wisely, Save Energy
If you have several dishes that cook at the same temperature, buddy them up. Position your oven racks for the perfect amount of space. Another fantastic way to use your oven wisely is to pick up a remote digital read thermometer. If you don’t have to open your oven to check the temperature of your food, the heating coils of your oven won’t have to activate as often, saving you electricity.
Time Your Light Shows
Don’t leave your lights on when no one can appreciate them! Pick up a light timer so you don’t leave those party lights on all night. No more worrying about leaving the lights on! Combined with LED lights, you’ll save tons on your upcoming electricity bill.
Don’t Let a High Energy Bill Darken Your Big Night
Start your parties off right without the stress of bills looming over your head. Check out more energy saving tips to keep your utility bills down. Still not happy with the savings you’re getting? Try switching your plan. You can shop for the best utility plan for your home at