PUCO’s Site Leaves You Wanting More

We’ve been taking a hard look at the Energy Choice Ohio site over the past couple of months. But, we’re going to take one final tour to see how their Apples to Apples site fails Ohio’s energy customers. For this trip, let’s compare the key differences between Ohio Energy Ratings and the PUCO site.
What Does Apples To Apples Offer You?
Let’s hypothetically say you’re shopping on Apples To Apples, in the Duke Ohio territory. As soon as you put in those search parameters, you’re met with a very clunky table. On the surface, PUCO gives you the name and location of the provider, rate and type, amount of renewable content, the term length, a link to Terms of Service, intro price if any, early termination fee if any, monthly fee if any, and any promo offers. That sounds very helpful. But what if you need more details about a supplier? What if you want to know what their customer service is like or how good are their promos or even if it’s easy to check on your account?
Well, you can’t. There’s no ranking with other providers. There’s no customer reviews to tell you about what the provider was like. And no clear way to compare plans head-to-head. So, why shop for an electricity plan at a place that skimps on important information about suppliers?
What Ohio Electricity Ratings Gives You
Let’s search again in the Duke service area but this time at Ohio Energy Ratings. Right off the bat, you’ll find a key difference. You can just search providers by your zip code. That will give you offers for your area, and your area only. You also get the same information; the company, plan name, monthly charges, cancellation fees, the term length, etc. The BIG difference is you can sort and compare plans using that information! Yep! for example, you can find out right away which term lengths are cheapest, or if a long term plan saves you more money. You can also compare plan of terms of service, rate plan summaries, and see rate histories. In contrast, the Apples To Apples lets you sort and compare only by provider name and price per kWh.
How About Those Apples?
Most deregulated energy states publicly provide some sort of electricity supplier scorecard. That information is important to consumers when it comes to providers making billing errors or customer service access. And though PUCO gathers complaint information about energy marketers, it doesn’t provide it to consumers in a convenient to use to shop with.
On the other hand, Ohio Energy Ratings provides you with real customer reviews, ratings based on BBB reports, and more. You don’t just see a provider’s plan. You can get a consumer’s sense of what an electricity provider is like to do business with without having to hunt down the information by yourself.
Don’t Let PUCO Fail You Again
To be blunt, Apples to Apples comes up pretty short getting you the best deal on your electricity. Ohio Energy Ratings, however, goes the distance to help you avoid frustration and save you money. We not only help you find great plans in your area but also keep you informed on rates. Plus, we even help you work out which lightbulbs save the most money.
If you’re looking to save more on energy for your home, head on over to www.ohenergyratings.com.