How to Switch Your AEP Ohio Electric Supplier and Save!

Learn why now's a great time to switch from high AEP Ohio rates to a cheap electric supplier. Colder nights are coming; shop and save now.

Ohio Electric Supplier Switch Savings

Looking to switch your electric supplier? Let us show how you can save money on your Ohio energy bills this winter.
With colder nights here already and energy rates set to rise, now’s the time to switch from high AEP Ohio rates to a cheap electric supplier. Let us show you how you can save more.

We’re right around the corner from a chilly winter season. That means more homes are cranking up their heating which also means high electricity bills. But you may be able to shave down your bills if you shop and switch to the best electric supplier. But how do you switch suppliers? When should you switch? What can you expect when you switch? Let’s dive in and figure out how you can switch your electric supplier and save.

Why Shop Electric Rates Today

Doesn’t it seem like bills keep rising, even if you commit to saving more energy?

As it turns out, US energy customers used about 2.83% less energy between 2015 and 2023. Despite this, utility bills have risen by 27% or about $40 a month. For Ohio rate payers, electricity bills rose by nearly 20% and it will likely continue. So, Ohio energy customers relying on utility PTC rates may pay a lot more for their energy this coming winter than if they shopped for cheaper electricity rates.

How Do I Switch My Electric Supplier?

Switching energy suppliers takes just easy 4 steps.

1. Check your bill for the price to compare, then jot it down. For example, the AEP Ohio price to compare is 7.61 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). Most Ohio homes use around 811 kWh of energy. This means you’re paying a generation supply charge of around $61.

2. Check out energy suppliers and compare their plans and rates to the price to compare. For example, you might discover the Public Power Electric 12 Month Fixed Rate WITH MRC plan. This plan charges 6.09 cents per kWh or about $49 supply charge a month (about $12 less than AEP Ohio).

3. After you find a company you like, sign up. You can do this by clicking the plan you found via our site and fill in your info on the following page.

4. Your chosen energy supplier will send you a contract and terms of service document after you sign up. Be sure to read these carefully. In particular, be sure sure to look for term length, early termination fees, incentives, and what happens after the contract ends (i.e. renewal information). You’ll also receive confirmation notices from AEP Ohio.

You’re all set! You can sit back and enjoy smaller bills thanks to cheaper rates.

When Should I Switch My Electric Supplier?

Most of our energy comes from generators that burn natural gas. But the weather and supply constraints keeps the natural gas market in flux. So it’s hard to predict when rock-bottom rates occur. However, there are a few rules to keep in mind.

First, natural gas prices often rise or fall depending on demand. This is because of the need for summer cooling and winter heating. As a result, prices tend to drop during the more mild months (March-May and September-early November).

The industry calls these the “shoulder months“. Try to lock in a 6 or 12 month plan during the shoulder month seasons. That way your old plan ends just in time to lock in new cheap rates.

Switch Today And Save

Fall shoulder month rates are still here. But winter is coming and that means heating demand will likely raise rates. But you may find big savings if you shop now. You can always start your search right here at We’re also your best source for the news and tips that could affect your bills.