Proposed Rate Cap on Plans To Help Electricity Customers

With electricity rates across Ohio finally coming down, some suppliers have come under fire for charging incredibly high rates. PUCO’s own Apples to Apples site lists many of these kind of plans. The Ohio Consumer Council (OCC) has proposed a cap for some of the prices listed on that PUCO site. So let’s see why the OCC seeks to delist these plans. And we’ll also check out how you can avoid these kind of sky-high rates.
Above And Beyond The Price To Compare
Not all Ohio electricity plans are great deals. While some may look like huge savings at first, many month-to-month plans dazzle customers with super low introductory rates. After that introductory period however, customers often face rates well beyond the price to compare, and incredibly high bills. PUCO has cracked down on some of those companies. But, there are still many listed on the Apples To Apples site with deceptive or misrepresented rates. To rein in these providers, the OCC is suggesting a rate cap of 2.25 times the average market rate. Of course, any rate restriction or delisting must be agreed on by PUCO, and possibly the state legislature.
Apples To Apples Is Full Of Lemons
The PUCO Apples To Apples site can be difficult to navigate when you’re trying to shop for a new plan. Whether it’s helpful or not really depends on what the companies decide to show you. For instance, there is a well intentioned link for the terms of service for each plan. And sometimes, you do get the terms of service for that plan. Still, there seems to be very little oversight of the information the companies are actually providing. For instance, in most “Offer Details” selections, you may see a short plan highlight or possibly just the plan name. Beyond that, there doesn’t seem to be substance to help you find the best electricity plan.

Recover From Bad Electricity Plans
If your low intro-rate plan recently hiked its rates, you may be struggling to pay your energy bills. Thankfully, with colder weather approaching, you can still shop for a lower rate. But if you’ve fallen behind on your bills, you still have options. The Special Heating Reconnect Order is now in effect across Ohio. This helps customers keep their electricity and gas on from October 16, 2023, to April 15, 2024. Customers that fall behind on their bills will not need to pay the entire bill and reconnection charge. Instead, customers only have to pay a maximum of $175 of their outstanding bill. Disconnected customers need only pay a maximum of $36 to restore service. Additionally, customers at or below 175% of the federal poverty line can enroll in the Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP Plus) to reduce their monthly bills. Customers can also apply for the Home Energy Assistance Program for help with their winter bills.
A Better Way To Find Perfect Plans
The best part of all of this is, you don’t have to use PUCO’s Apples To Apples site to find your perfect plan. You can find them right here. Ohio Electricity Ratings has rates all across Ohio. Here you can see customer reviews, easily access the terms of service, and compare the best rates easily without the mess. Skip the hassle and shop for your new plan at