Get 18 Months Of Electricity For Cheap
If you’re trying to find a way to save money while gasoline prices are soaring, a great place to look is at your electric bill. While there are tons of great ways to cut your electricity usage, have you thought about making your electricity plan work better for you? We’re going to be looking at four of the best priced 18 month plans to help you save. Shop these smart electric plans in Elyria.
Shop The Cheapest Electric Plans In Elyria
If you’re looking for cheap electricity in Elyria, Public Power looks great on first glance. Their Electric 18 Month Fixed Rate has a low price tag of 6.39 cents per kWh. However, look a little closer and you’ll see that Public Power also charges a $4.95 monthly fee. While this may not be a substantial fee, over the course of the 18 month term, you would be paying an additional $89. If you decide to go with Public Power, at the end of your contract you will receive a notice informing you about your renewal term. If you do not respond to this notice and shop around, your plan will be automatically renewed, possibly at a higher rate. So be sure to respond and shop again.
New Customers Can Save With This Plan
If you’re looking for something fresh, and you’ve never checked out Direct Energy, take a look at their plan for new customers only! Their Live Brighter 18 plan is priced at 7.39 cents per kWh with no monthly fee or early termination fee. In other words, it’s super easy to switch if you find a better price down the line. At the end of your contract with Direct Energy, you will be switched to a month-to-month plan, and your rate may go up. Previous and current Direct Energy customers who sign up may receive different rates, as once again, this plan is only for new customers.
Check Out This Plan With A Low Early Termination Fee
Rolling in at 7.69 cents per kWh, we have the 18 Month Home Power Plan from Constellation. Constellation’s plan comes with a $25 early termination fee. Additionally, this plan is open to all customers and has no recurring fee. At the end of your term, Constellation sends out a new contract notice. The contract will renew after 30 days if you don’t respond.
Grab This No Fee Plan With No Restrictions
While this isn’t the cheapest electricity in Elyria on this list, the Safe Harbor 18 plan doesn’t come with any restrictions. Energy Harbor charges no early termination fee, and no monthly fee. Additionally, this plan isn’t just for new customers. At 7.89 cents per kWh, this can pack a punch to your bill. However, with no early termination fee, should a lower price roll in later in the year, or next spring, you can switch your plan at no additional cost to you. If you decide to keep this plan through the end of your term be alert for the Energy Harbor renewal notice! The contract will automatically renew if you don’t respond to it.
As with all these plans, note that Ohio Edison will provide default service to your home if you reject a renewal offer and do not switch to a new provider.
Shop Great Electric Plans For Your Home
If you’re still comparing the best suppliers for that perfect plan for cheap electricity in Elyria, this list should give you a great start. There’s a plan for every home. Check out more a