What Happens If My Electric Supplier Leaves Ohio?

If your energy supplier leaves Ohio, that's the end of the contract. Learn why that's important and what else you can expect.

Did Your Electric Supplier Leave?

An electric supplier rarely leaves the Ohio market. But it can happen. Find out why it can happen, what you can expect, and most importantly what you can do.
It’s rare for an electric supplier to leave their Ohio customers. Learn why it happens, what happens to your power, and what you should get ready to do.

Normally, switching electric suppliers is simple and pain free. Your supplier provides your power without much fanfare or bother. But what happens when your electric supplier leaves Ohio? Do you lose power until you can sign up to a new electricity rate? Do you have to pay any early termination fees? So, let’s talk about why an electric supplier might leave the Ohio energy market. And then we’ll see what happens next.

Why an Electric Supplier May Leave Ohio

There are a lot of reasons why a company might leave Ohio. For instance, a company might decide that it costs too much to do business in Ohio. Another example may be when new laws that affect how providers operate. As a result, a company might decide to leave the state rather than make changes.

But sometimes, PUCO investigators catch companies breaking rules and harming customers. When this happens, PUCO may fine companies so their customers can recover up to double their losses. Lastly, PUCO may find that a company’s behavior is bad enough to ban them from doing business here.

To date, only three supplieers have been kicked out of Ohio. Some rules they were accused of breaking include:

  • Making sales calls and claiming to be with utilities
  • Manipulating recorded sales calls.
  • Failing to offer terms and conditions to new customers
  • Promising savings to customers while charging way more than other suppliers’ rates.

PUCO believe these types of acts seek to trick customers into costly plans with high rates. This is a big problem for low-income families.

What Happens to Your Electric Service Next

When an energy company decides to leave Ohio, they must notify PUCO. Once that happens, your local utility will act as the Provider of Last Resort (POLR). As a result, they will keep supplying your electricity without interruption. Your utility will notify you in writing when they will take over your service at their standard service offer rate.

Customers don’t have to do anything here. Your power will stay on. However, your contract with your old supplier is over. So, you are free to stay with your utility’s rate or shop for a new provider.

Shop Smart For Best Ohio Electricity

Companies that violate Ohio’s rules aren’t acting in a customer’s best interests. That’s why PUCO is willing to ban companies. Ohio consumers deserve o shop safely for the best energy rates in town. But you can protect yourself by shopping smart, too. The best place to do that is at https://www.ohenergyratings.com. You can compare providers and plans apples to apples. Plus, you can read reviews and see provider rankings to see how reliable they really are.

Remember, you can always count on our blog the best customer reviewed energy deals in Ohio. We’re also the best source for news that could affect your bills.

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