Who Can Help Me Pay My Ohio Electricity Bills This Summer?

Summer electricity bills are getting too hot to afford for some electricity customers in Ohio. Find out the state programs can help you pay your utility bills.

Electricity Bills Continue To Increase

If your summer electricity bills are rising higher than you can afford, we've put together some resources to help you find ways to pay them.
Summer electricity bills are rising out of control for some Ohio consumers. Check out these resources to help you find ways to stay calm, cool, and on top of them.

Do you feel like your electricity bills have been growing faster than your efforts to save on electricity? Well you’re not wrong. EIA price data shows that average home electricity rates on an August bill have risen in the past decade. Yet, actual home usage has decreased during that time. If you’re struggling to pay your electricity bills, you’re not alone. So, if you’re struggling with Ohio electricity bills this summer, let us show you the other options that can help.

High Electricity Bills And High Summer Temperatures

Few things can make you feel more miserable in the summer than high heat and high energy bills. And this summer it seems doubly true. Thankfully, Ohio offers a Summer Crisis Program.

This program provides a benefit of up to $500 for regulated utilities, or $800 for unregulated utilities to qualified applicants. You can use the funds can be used for electricity bills or be used to help pay for AC repairs, replacements, or fans. The season runs from July 1 to September 30 every year, and you can apply every season you qualify.

How Can I Qualify?

To qualify for the Summer Crisis Program, your household must make at or below 175% of the federal income guidelines. Additionally, you must meet one of three other requirements: 

  • A household member is 60+
  • A household member has a documented medical condition
  • You have received a disconnect notice, had service shut off, or need to establish service

To apply for the program, you can start to apply online. However, you must make an appointment with your local Energy Assistance Provider office to complete it. You can also mix the Summer Crisis Program with the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). However, HEAP tighter requirements. Be sure to contact your local assistance providers to help you get the most from the program.

What Do I Need To Apply?

Unfortunately, this depends on how you apply. While you can apply online or via mail, it can take up to 12 weeks to process. For the fastest results, go to your local EAP, and bring the following:

  • proof of income for everyone in your household
  • your most recent utility bills
  • names, birthdays, and social security numbers
  • and proof of legal US residency.

The fastest way to receive these benefits in an emergency is to go in person as soon as possible.

You Are Not Alone

Please remember you are not the only one struggling with high electricity bills this summer. Take advantage of these programs to help keep you on your feet. They are there to help you. And if you need to lower your bill, try out some simple energy saving tricks. Plus, you can also shop electric suppliers and better natural gas rates at www.ohenergyratings.com