Shop And Save On Cheap Energy Plans Now

Welcome to the shoulder months! You may have heard that this is the best time to shop energy plans for your home. And that’s mostly correct. The spring and fall shoulder months do offer some of the lowest pricing out of the year. Why is that though? And why is this especially so this year? We’re going to crack into why shoulder months make shopping electricity rates in Ohio so much cheaper.
Shop While Natural Gas Prices Are Low
Natural gas accounts for around 17% of Ohio’s electricity generation. When prices are low, so is your electricity cost. Natural gas prices in 2024 are low compared to the last two years. Due to higher temperatures during the winter, there’s much more natural gas in storage. So, across the board, energy prices have lowered significantly. Additionally, if you’re shopping for gas as well, you can snag a great deal on your energy costs as a whole. Overall, natural gas has fallen 65% since 2022.
Low Demand Lowers Prices On Energy Plans
With all those warmer temperatures, natural gas isn’t the only thing seeing lows. After last year’s record jumps during the summer months, we all got a first hand look at how demand affects the price you pay. When it’s blazing outside, everyone is running their air conditioners. So, you can expect some price increases because of the call for more electricity. However, during the spring months when temperatures are mild, we see less demand. That means lower prices for you.
Comparing Electricty Prices Then And Now
If you need a little more convincing, let’s go compare prices from December to give you an idea of what has changed. For example, the APG&E TrueSimple 6 plan in Toledo at the end of 2023 was hovering around 6.61 cents per kWh. Today, that plan is 6.35 cents per kWh. And while .26 cents may not seem like a huge discount, these small numbers add up quickly. By snagging that deal now, you can avoid price increases during the summer when the average electricity use can increase by an additional 100-200 kWh per home. That means that not only does your usage rise, but demand will raise prices. Shopping now can help you reduce that painful double whammy.
Shop Better Energy Plans Today
Remember that changing your electricity rate can take a month or two depending on your meter read date. So if you want to snag the benefits of a low rate before summer temperatures hit, it’s best to start looking now. You can compare plans, read customer reviews to find best electric supplier your home, and switch at one convenient place. To start your electricity shopping journey at