Compare Dominion Energy Service Natural Gas Rates & Save

The lowest natural gas rate in Dominion Energy is $4.290 per mcf.

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Dominion Energy Service Territory

Shop Dominion Energy Cheap Rates

Dominion East Ohio services 1.2 million customers, 35% of the market, in some or all of 26 northern Ohio counties.

Dominion Energy serves these cities:

Compare alternative supplier natural gas rates in the Dominion Energy service area.

  1. Enter zip code.
  2. Select energy type.
  3. Choose "residential" or "business".
  4. Click "Shop for Rates".

Some Ohio energy service territories overlap. If the tool reports that it has found more than one serving your zip code, don't worry! Just choose your local utility from those listed.

You'll then get to see the listing of all the energy suppliers' plans available in your area, along with rates, term lengths, and links to more detail information.

How to Start New Dominion Energy Service

Dominion Energy makes starting new service easy and convenient. New customers can register online through its MyDom portal and select Service Orders to begin the process. If you're moving into an area already in the company's Ohio service territory, just request a transfer online via the "Manage Your Account".

Customers should submit requests at least 7 business days in advance inorder toir schedule the request for the date they need. Orders are worked on Monday through Friday only. You can also call customer service at 1-800-362-7557.

When applying to start new service, be ready to provide the following information:

  • Your name
  • Social Security number
  • Date of birth
  • Bill delivery preferences
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Address where you want service
  • Landlord name and phone number if you rent the dwelling
  • Date you want service to start
  • Instruction for accessing the inside of the property
  • Pet information
  • Contact details

Will I Need to Pay a Deposit?

If you are a new customer, Dominion Energy will check your credit history to determine your level of credit risk. The minimum security deposit amount for residential customers is $25. However, new customers may be required to pay an initial security deposit, and additional deposit amounts if needed, up to a total of 1.3 times that of your estimated average 30-day bill.

TIP -- Be sure to unfreeze your credit. If you have frozen your credit with any of the major credit agencies, you will need to have it temporarily unfrozen before you submit a new service request.

You will likely be charged a deposit if any of the following apply:

  • You have not paid your entire bill or payment plan amount by the due date should the required payment include a previous balance.
  • You have unpaid final balances from past accounts.
  • You have not established a good credit history and have more than one disconnection notice for nonpayment within the past 12 months.
  • You had service shut off for nonpayment.
  • You are in bankruptcy.
  • You have been involved with unauthorized usage of gas, theft of service or meter tampering.

Ohio state law recognizes three ways customers can establish creditworthiness with their natural gas utility:

  1. The customer demonstrates they are the property owner or meets the legally-accepted practices to verify credit.
  2. The customer has had a prior account with Dominion for the same class of service within the past two years and, in the prior year of service, did not have a late bill more than twice and did not have service disconnected for nonpayment, fraud or tampering.
  3. Have a guarantor who is also a customer with the same utility and can pay your bills within 60 days if you fail to do so

Dominion Energy security deposits are billed in three equal, consecutive monthly installments. However, deposits are later applied to reduce your residential account balances if you make your required monthly payments in full and on time for six consecutive months.

Understand Dominion Energy Delivery and Supply Charges

Unlike other Ohio natural gas utilities, Dominion Energy customers pay for their natural gas in dollars per thousand cubic feet (mcf). While that sounds expensive, most Ohio homes don't consume more than 1 mcf per month. As with other Ohio natural gas utilities, Dominion Energy charges customers for both Delivery and Gas Supply.

Delivery Charges are fixed rate charges (tariffs) to cover Dominion's local pipeline operating costs and ensure them a profit. Other usage-based charges are small costs from riders to fund projects, cover fees, etc. These charges must be approved by PUCO. All Dominion customers pay the same delivery charge rate no matter if their gas supply comes from the SCO or a retail supplier.

Dominion Energy's residential delivery charges contain both a basic charge and usage-based charges. The usage-based charges currently fall into four rate ranges:

  • First 50 mcf $0.6297 per mcf
  • Next 50 mcf $0.6297 per mcf
  • Next 1900 mcf $0.5581 per mcf
  • Over 2000 mcf $0.5115 per mcf

Gas Supply Charges reflects the price for the natural gas that you use. Customers can choose the Dominion Energy Standard Choice Offer (SCO) or a competitive retail natural gas supplier (CRNG).

Understand the Dominion Energy Standard Choice Offer (SCO)

The Standard Choice Offer (SCO) is a PUCO-approved default rate for the natural gas supply that you can select if you don't want to shop for retail supplier. While the way these rates are determined might seem unduly complicated, the process does help keep prices low.

  1. Each April, Dominion holds an auction to choose SCO suppliers. Suppliers that place the lowest bids are selected to provide the natural gas to SCO customers. Though the SCO suppliers are also competitive retail suppliers, they are bound by Ohio law to charge the same set SCO rate to all of Dominion's SCO customers. For example, customers who signed up for the Dominion SCO rate in 2020 were served by one of these four suppliers:
    • Direct Energy
    • DTE Gas Supply
    • Ohio Natural Gas (Southstar)
    • Spire Marketing, Inc.
  2. Dominion Energy then sets a retail price adjustment in dollars per mcf.
  3. Each month, Dominion determines rates by adding the NYMEX month-end natural gas settlement price to the retail price adjustment.
  4. This price is then passed directly to SCO customers without mark up. By law, Dominion of Ohio is prohibited from profiting from the SCO.

The key feature to remember is that because NYMEX prices can change each month, the SCO gas supply price can change as well! Sometimes it's low, sometimes it's high.

Dominion Energy Current SCO Rate

Residential: $3.735 per mcf

Expiration date: 6/30/2025

NOTE: Some Ohio municipal utilities purchase power for their local residents. Usually residents need to pay an opt-out fee if they don't want their natural gas service to be aggregated. Check with your local government to learn how you might be effected.

How Much Does Dominion Energy Cost? SCO vs Ohio Energy Choice

According to PUCO's estimates, the average Ohio home uses roughly 100 ccf per month. For customers in the Dominion Energy Ohio area, that converts to 10 mcf.

Assuming the average Ohio monthly usage rate of 10 mcf, most residents would pay a basic charge of $31.11 and a usage-based rate of $0.6297 per mcf for natural gas delivery.

With that in mind, an average Dominion Energy SCO bill roughly breaks down like this:

Rate per 10 mcf Used Monthly Basic Charge Total
SCO Supply Rate $3.735 0 $37.350
Monthly Distribution Charges $0.6297 $31.11 $37.41
Total Bill $74.76

But while the Delivery Charge for both SCO and Choice customer doesn't change that often, remember that the SCO rate can change every month. So SCO customers face paying uncertain amounts from month to month whether they want to or not.

Understand Ohio Energy Choice

Ohio natural gas consumers are free to choose their own competitive retail natural gas supplier (CRNG). These alternative suppliers shop deals with different producers on the wholesale market to offer competitive rates. As such, their rates are not controlled by PUCO. This way, retail suppliers are able to offer competitively priced fixed rate plans for a variety of term lengths.

While shopping natural gas plans can seem confusing, the trick is to find the one that best meets your needs. For that reason, retail natural gas suppliers in Ohio offer two types of plans:

  • Fixed Natural Gas Rates have set prices that last for the entire contract term. You can count on it having a stable gas rate whether your plan lasts from 6 to 36 months. Be warned that many fixed rate plans come with early cancellation fees if you choose to break the contract early.
  • Variable Rates Let's say you want to avoid getting tied to a natural gas plan for months or years? You can choose a variable plan. But while there's no contract, variable plans have rates that can change from month to month depending on the price of natural gas! There's nothing to prevent your rate from going up one month or down the next. However, these plans don't have any termination fees and this allows customers the flexibility to shop for new rates and switch to better deals without paying any penalty.

Understanding Your Dominion Energy Bill

Your Dominion bill also comes packed full of useful information to help you better understand your usage and rate. But all these different line items that can be confusing to customers. Here is where we break down the most important items. Below is a sample Dominion Energy Natural Gas bill.

Dominion Energy Sample Bill

Understand Your Dominion Energy Bill
  • This account profile shows your account 13 digit account number, service address, plus the date of the bill, and the next meter read date period.
  • Shows past balance due and any payment received.
  • Dominion Energy Delivery Charges shows your monthly basic service charge and cost of sending your natural gas through Dominion's local pipeline network to your home.
  • Gas supply charge shows the name of your supplier (whether Dominion Energy SCO or a retail provider), the amount for your usage and tax.
  • Shows the total current charges due as well as any past amounts due.
  • The usage history can help you see your past 13 months of usage. It shows the average monthly usage and the year-to-date usage. Also includes average temperature to help you better understand your usage and estimate future bills.
  • This natural gas service information features the meter number, the meter-read date, whether the read was actual or estimated, the number of days in the billing period, and how the usage amount (in mcf) was determined.
  • Message center which shows important information and alerts from Dominion Energy.
  • Bill stub that shows your account number, the amount due and the date. For automatic payments, it shows the amount that will be submitted to your bank for payment.
  • Bill stub information confirming your address and Dominion Energy's mailing address if you pay by check.

Dominion Energy Usage Savings - Coupons, Promotions, Discounts, Rebates and Promo Codes

As any Ohio native will tell you, winters can be snowy and cold here. Up to 55% of an average home's energy usage goes to space heating. Not surprisingly, 65% of energy used for home heating in Ohio comes from burning natural gas. That puts Ohio among the top 10 natural gas-consuming states. It also makes Ohio's natural gas market sensitve to winter time price spikes.

Obviously, the best way to save on your natural gas bill is to reduce your usage by sealing your doors and windows against drafts, adding insulation to your attic, sealing and insulating your basement, and purchasing a programmable or smart thermostat.

As your local natural gas utility, Dominion offers several rebate and energy efficiency programs to help customers save money off their monthly bill by upgrading their home's energy performance. Some programs also offer money-saving incentives while others could make paying your monthly bills much easier during those expensive winter months.

Program Name Program Type Benefit
Dominion Energy Ohion Home Performance with Energy Star (DEOHPWES) Program Rebate Program

Available via the DEOHPWES site:

  • a certified auditor will assess of your home's energy efficiency.
  • free installations of a carbon monoxide detector, high-efficiency showerheads and aerators.
  • for just $75 more, they will install a Google Nest Thermostat E.
  • a customized report with recommendations on how to save energy.
Recommended contractor-installed improvements come with rebates up to $1,250.
Ohio Home Weatherization Assistance Program (HWAP) Residential Energy Efficiency Assistance

Income-eligible homeowners and renters whose income does not exceed 200% of the poverty guidelines of the Federal Poverty Guidelines may receive energy efficiency improvements to their homes at NO COST:

  • Energy audit to determine improvements.
  • Upgrading insulation.
  • Installing a new natural gas furnace.
  • Priority is given to Ohioans who are older than age of 60, those with disabilities, those with children in the home, and households with a high energy usage and/or burden.
PUCO Winter Reconnect Order Bill payment assistance Starting October 5, if your service has been shut off for non-payment or you have a shutoff notice, you can maintain or restore service for just $175 plus a reconnection fee - no matter how much you owe. Call Dominion Customer Service.
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) Bill payment assistance Federal grant to help pay your winter heating bills.To qualify for HEAP, your annual household income cannot exceed 175% of the poverty guidelines.
Winter Crisis Program Bill payment assistance Runs from November 1, 2020 to May 1, 2021 for customers whose service is shut off for non-payment or have received a shutoff notice. Customers who meet income eligibility requirements can receive a grant. Contact your local Energy Assistance Provider.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan Plus (PIPP Plus) Bill payment assistance Helps eligible Ohioans manage their energy bills year- round. Payments are based on a percentage of household income and are consistent year-round. To qualify your annual household income cannot exceed 150% of the federal poverty guidelines.
Dominion Energy EnergyShare Bill payment assistance

EnergyShare is a heating assistance program that pays for Dominion Energy gas bills for customers in Ohio.

  • Funds are distributed through a network of nonprofit health and human service agencies.
  • Household income eligibility is up to 250% of the Federal Poverty Level
  • Qualifying households could receive up to $500 in assistance.
Apply via your local Ohio Salvation Army.
Housewarming Program Bill payment assistance Dominion Energy Ohio funds the Housewarming Program to assist income-eligible households with home weatherization. The program offers free weather-stripping, attic and sidewall insulation, door sweeps, and other insulation devices.
Equal Payment Plans Bill payment assistance

Dominion Energy offers a variety of payment plans that allow you to avoid spiking mid-winter bills or to pay your past due balance over a period of pre-determined months.

  • Budget Bill is a free billing option that estimates your annual energy bill and divides it by 12, so you pay the same amount each month. Overpayments or underpayments get "trued-up" at the end of the year.
  • The One-Sixth Plan Each month, you will pay your current charges plus a portion of your past due balance over a 6 month period. An initial down payment is required.
  • The One-Ninth Plan Customers must agree to a Budget Plan amount for their projected monthly costs each month. Each month, you will pay this plan payment amount plus a portion of your past due balance over nine months.
  • The Nine-Month Basic Extended Payment Plan Each month, you will pay a portion of your past due balance over a 9 month period. An initial down payment is required.

Dominion Energy Reviews

Because Dominion serves very large segment market, understanding how it compares to similarly large-scale incumbant utilities can show just how well it serves its residential customers. Dominion Energy is accredited with the BBB and was well-rated in J.D. Power's 2021 utility residential customer satisfaction study. The utility also rated well in Escalent's 2021 Utility Trusted Brand & Customer Engagement™: Residential study.

OH Energy Ratings Score Better Business Bureau J.D. Power 2021 Gas Utility Study Escalent 2021 Utility Study
N/A Not Accredited 759of 1000 pts 712of 1000 pts

How do I Get the Cheapest Dominion Energy Rate?

Shopping for a new Dominion Energy Choice Plan may seem overwhleming. There are so many plans with so many options. However, it's really an easy and straightforward process once your understand what you need. That said, it's import to have these three things with you when you shop for natural gas.

  1. Your current bill. Dominion Energy provides you with your average annual usage right on your bill. This gives you a way to estimate a how much a retail supplier's plan might cost you each month. Just multiply your mcf usage by the plan's price per mcf.
  2. The current Dominion SCO rate and expiration date. Knowing the current Dominion of Ohio Standard Choice Offer gives you a price to compare with retail gas suppliers. This way, you can get a better feel for what they're offering, for how long, and if any of their incentives make their price worthwhile.
  3. Your Dominion Energy of Ohio customer account number. Have your 13 digit account number handy lets you sign up for retail supplier offers right away. You can find it at the top left corner of your bill and on the bill stub.

Dominion Energy Shopping Questions

When you shop for natural gas service in Ohio, asking the right questions is the best way to save money or avoid making a bad choice. That's why you should always be sure to ask these basic but important questions:

  • Is the rate variable or is it fixed?
  • How long does the plan last?
  • How does it compare to Dominion Energy's SCO?
  • What happens when the contract expires?
  • Does the plan have any recurring charges?
  • Does the plan come with an early cancellation fee?
  • Does the supplier offer any customer incentives or rewards?

Before you start shopping, there's some final last details you also need to understand ahead of time:

Who bills me? Dominion Energy sends a single bill that outlines and adds up your monthly charges.

What are the Terms of Service? The Terms of Service explain and identify specific charges and any fees a customer will face when they sign up for an natural gas plan. Many suppliers offer different rates for plans with different term lengths. All Ohio natural gas customers should read and understand the terms of service and contract summary for any plan they are interested in before they sign on to the plan.

What are early termination fees? Switching retail suppliers before a contract ends can involve paying early termination fees. These can take a chomp out of your checking account you if you want to switch retail providers before your natural gas plan contract ends.

Where can I find more information on my usage? Dominion customers can request up to 24 months of their gas usage plus other relevant information free of charge.

Natural Gas Service Questions? Do You Smell Gas? Contact Dominion Energy!

Problems or interruptions with your Dominion Energy natural gas supply? Here's the proper people to call:

  • Having a bill or payment problems? - First thing to do is contact Dominion. If you have trouble paying your monthly bill call Dominion Energy Customer Service: 1-800-362-7557
  • Natural gas service outage? Call Dominion Energy immediately:1-877-542-2630.

What If You Smell Natural Gas?

Natural gas leaks are extremely dangerous. Any kind of spark can ignite an explosion. Leave the area immediately if:

  • You SMELL natural gas. Mercaptan is added to natural gas to give it the distinctive stink of rotten eggs.
  • You HEAR unusual sounds like hissing or whistling.
  • You SEE a damaged connection to a natural gas appliance, dirt or water blowing into the air, a dry patch of grass, or a fire or explosion near a pipeline.

Get a safe distance at least 350 feet away. Warn others to keep away.

Call 911 immediately and then notifiy Dominion Energy of Ohio at 1-877-542-2630! Gas leaks can NOT be reported online --CALL!

What NOT to do if you suspect a gas leak:

  • Do not try to find the source of the leak.
  • Do not try to turn natural gas valves on or off.
  • Do not smoke, use a lighter or strike a match.
  • Do not use any electric switch, telephone or cell phone, garage door opener or flashlight as they can cause sparks and ignite gas.
  • Do not start or stop nearby vehicles, machinery, or things that may spark.

Ohio state laws require that you have all buried lines located at least 3 full working days before you begin any excavation work. Call OH811 by dialing "811" or visit to make an appointment. Best of all, the service is free.

Dominion Energy of Ohio Providers

Company Rating Phone
American Power & Gas
Frontier Utilities
Energy Harbor
Santanna Energy Services
XOOM Energy
Symmetry Energy Solutions
Direct Energy
Provision Power & Gas
Mercury Energy
Public Power
NRG Home
Major Energy
Vista Energy
Spark Energy
National Gas & Electric
Kiwi Energy
Spring Power & Gas
19 results

Zip Codes with the Cheapest Natural Gas Rates in Ohio