Customer Reviews for Frontier Utilities

People have been reviewing Frontier Utilities on OH Energy Ratings, giving you an understanding of being Frontier Utilities's customer is like.

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Frontier Utilities's Customer Reviews Summary

Frontier Utilities Scores and Ratings:

OH Energy Ratings Overall Score for Frontier Utilities

3.9 / 5

Frontier Utilities Reviews

319 Reviews for Frontier Utilities


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What People Are Asking About Reviews for Frontier Utilities?

Is Frontier Utilities good?

Frontier Utilities is generally rated with an average user review of 2.0/5.0 stars. They have a wide variety of energy plans suited to any energy need starting from rates as low as 10.09¢/kWh!

Is Frontier Utilities expensive?

Frontier Utilities has energy plans starting as low as 9.59¢/kWh with their OH Frontier Online Premier-12. The average Frontier Utilities plan rate is 9.91¢/kWh. The average rate for energy plans across other retail providers is 8¢/kWh.

Who is the best electricity provider in Ohio?

The best electricity providers are:

Does Frontier Utilities take reviews seriously?

Frontier Utilities has an average user review of 2.0 / 5.0 stars; they respond to 71% of their customer's reviews.

How do I leave a review for Frontier Utilities?

At OH Energy Ratings you will find one of the most straightforward, comprehensive, and longest-running Frontier Utilities customer review communities around. With 25 reviews so far, we pride ourselves in our ability to showcase and facilitate customer reviews so that you know you'll be getting the electricity provider that's right for you! If you are a Frontier Utilities customer and would like to make yourself heard, then you are welcome to leave a review on our Frontier Utilities Customer Reviews Page.

Recent Good Review from Pat Beardshaw

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Friendly and helpful

Pat Beardshaw from Hartville, OH on February 13th, 2024
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Very easy to understand the ratings & offers

Bob from on April 6th, 2023
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SMILEY from Saint Clairsville, OH on June 13th, 2022
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Good Experience
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Site was easy to navigate, no time to sign up.

Arthur Mangan from Strongsville, OH on December 19th, 2021
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100% Satisfied
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Didn't take long to do and I'm now 100% green electric. Its not about savings, it's about using GREEN electric. Better for us and Mother Earth. Do your part. Go green for free. Also get 2, $50 Amazon gift cards for going green. Do your part to preserve our earth. No commitment required. Free to start/stop

Spencer from Dublin, OH on July 10th, 2021
Overall Rating
Best value and quality
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It was easy and seamless. They had the best price without all the fine print . Simple straight forward and no hassle .

Value Provider from Columbus, OH on October 21st, 2019
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Was a good experience and easy to switch over and thus far things are working beautifully

Pete from Columbus, OH on November 3rd, 2022
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For home owners
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It was rather fast applying for the product, easier than I thought it would be.

G.PIERCE from Alliance, OH on April 6th, 2023
Overall Rating
Still waiting for the great price
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I signed up end of March, too late for my April bill. My May bill was still expensive. I called & was told it would start in June. My June bill was the same. It has yet to take effect. Still waiting for this great price. Currently sorry I signed up.

Tracy from Dublin, OH on June 11th, 2022
Overall Rating
Frontier Utilities is a Nightmare
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Excited about a low cost per unit of gas I signed up for Frontier Gas. After signing up I read the reviews. I was mortified. Immediately, I attempted to reach out and cancel my order. Frontier would answer the phone and as soon as I stated the purpose of my call they would put me on hold, up to an hour and half, this happened several times. When I was finally put in touch with someone who could "complete" my request I was told there would be NO confirmation email or verification number. I immediately contacted the gas company and relayed what had happened. They were able to stop my account from being transferred to Frontier. WHAT A NIGHTMARE!

FRONTIER IS A SCAM from Reynoldsburg, OH on March 31st, 2023
Overall Rating
Does Frontier exist?
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Signed up and twice was told they do not offer coverage. I am in a community plan that has no restrictions on opting out but Frontier refuses to provide service.

Bishop from Loveland, OH on December 23rd, 2022
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Frontier sales people continually come to my neighborhood, which has a high population of people who do not speak English well, and they try to take advantage of my friends and neighbors by making it seem as if they have to sign their forms in order to prevent something terrible from happenieng with their electric service. It is a dirty, underhanded way to get customers.

Ymir from Columbus, OH on September 20th, 2021
Overall Rating
Dont get this service
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Someone came to our door promising our bill would only be 50 dollars each month. It seemed true the next few months until we were hit with a 250 dollar electric bill. We tried to not sign up for it but the sales person wouldnt leave our property. It seemed like the only thing to do to get them to leave. I highly recommend you not get this service they will rob you blind with their rates

Taylor from Ada, OH on August 2nd, 2021
Overall Rating
Do I have frontier?
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I changed my gas and electric a month or so ago. My gas changed but Im not sure about my electric. I never heard back from anyone and I havent gotten around to figuring out how to login yet.

Oh, this stupid survey insisted I give stars but since I dont know how can I give them.

Tim Tomechko from Akron, OH on January 2nd, 2021
Hello Tim, our Customer Care team would like the opportunity to connect with you directly to further discuss. Please email with the name on your account, your account number or service address, and the best phone number and timeframe to reach you. We will be happy to reach out to you to discuss. Thank you.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
They Charge double than original energy company
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When my usage of energy keep low in winter, the price looks good. When the usage increase to 1000kwh. THEY CHARGE YOU DOUBLE!!!!. My bill in Aug turned to $220 and $100 for AEP, $ 120 for them. Don't use them! it's a trap. Even though you cancel it. the supplier would not disappear until two bill cycle.

Hazel from Columbus, OH on August 13th, 2020
Overall Rating
They are deceiving, stay away
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Their agent promised me that, I will pay less than usual unless the usage is high. But, usage is less, bill is 50% more than previous bill. They are lying and cheating. Stay away from Frontier Utilities

Y.E. from Dublin, OH on April 1st, 2020
Thank you for providing your feedback and letting us know about this issue. We set a high standard for ourselves and are truly sorry to hear that standard was not met in your interaction with us. Please get in touch with us on (866) 926-8192 and we'd be happy to help you out.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
They are professional deceivers
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Agent of Frontier Utilities came my home and explained advantages of their company. Several times I asked her if there will be any hidden fees or not. She assured me that I will not see higher bill than I had before if the usage is not higher. I got my first bill from them, usage was less, but the bill is 50% more. And now they say that, it will take 2-3 bills for me to go back to Columbia Gas. This is trick. That's why stay away from them. If you see their agent before your door, do not trust their any words or promises. This is my live experience, unfortunately.

YASHAR EHTIBARLI from Dublin, OH on April 1st, 2020
Thank you for providing your feedback and letting us know about this issue. We set a high standard for ourselves and are truly sorry to hear that standard was not met in your interaction with us. Please get in touch with us on (866) 926-8192 and we'd be happy to help you out.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
Big promises only big let downs
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Promised us big savings. Made mediocre attempts. When the covid-19 pandemic hit they bailed like the punks they truly are. Don't fall for their bs. Stick with your primary provider.

J Hall from Lancaster, OH on March 24th, 2020
Thank you for bring this to our attention J Hall.
This Covid-19 is a serious ordeal and we are doing everything we can to help all of our customers. In Ohio there are programs you can reach out too that are helping our customers with paying their bills due to this crisis. You can always call whom ever it is that you pay your bill too and asked what are the best programs they have. I hope this helps. If you still have any more questions you can always call our customer care department Monday through Friday from 7am to 6pm.
Thank you,
Frontier Utilities.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
Sorry I ever signed up
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First of all I was a bit put off by a person coming to the door to sign us up. I should've politely refused but He talked a good game and my husband and I decided to join. Months later I get a letter that my service is being returned to my electric company for an outstanding supplier charge. I have been waiting on hold for quite some time to get an explanation. When I first called, the auto service asked for my account number and told me that it didn't exist. Then customer service rep asked for multiple items when to me the account number should have sufficed. All this seemed to do was add to my bill and I have seen NO benefit or savings. One thing for sure, I will never use anything beyond my local company again!

JB from Reynoldsburg, OH on March 4th, 2020
JB we understand your frustration and truly appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We are sorry to hear that you did not have a good experience with us as a Frontier customer, and would love the opportunity to connect with you directly to see what how we can improve. Can you please email us at with your name and account information so that we can investigate further? Hope to connect with you soon. Thank you
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
Door to door scam artists!
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A salesman pretending to be a utility worker came to my door in a flurry saying that there was an issue with my gas and electric. After an hour of him standing in my kitchen, he talked me into joining Frontier. I called and asked my current electric company if Frontier was legit. The rep said technically yes. It is possible for them to offer you a cheaper rate. She said the current company I was with charged at 5.4 cents per KHW. The salesman claimed around 2cents per KHW and promised that my monthly bill would now be half the amount. Same with my gas company. Of course that sounded great. He also said that I was due $100 refunds from my electric and gas companies. Also a bonus. Ive been a little iffy about what I signed up for. I received 2 letters in the mail today both from Frontier, 1 for my electric and 1 for my gas. The cost per KHW was twice the amount of my original carriers!!! The contract wasnt void until my carriers made the official switch which thankfully hadnt happened yet so I was able to cancel the contract otherwise I would have been locked into Frontiers insane prices for a year. And of course the refunds were a scam. Everything I was told was a lie. Dont let them cheat you!!!

Leigh from Galloway, OH on February 3rd, 2020
Overall Rating
Guerilla tactics
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A representative (who did not say who she was with until 3 minutes into her spiel) knocked on our door late at night, and immediately launched into a long stream of consciousness about our current utility rates and how she was going to lower them, she took our utility account numbers without giving us an option or questioning if we wanted to switch providers (which it wasn't even clear that was what was happening until the very end when we were speaking with a third party verification company). Not pleased that we were not even solicited for our business with their service but nearly forced into the decision without being given information, a choice, or even time to think or process what this lady was saying to us. I find it very objectionable that this is the way the company obviously trains their employees to enroll customers.

KHS from Columbus, OH on August 28th, 2019
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So they came knocking on my door telling me how they could lower my bill by 80$ at least and saying if i did want to ever cancel then to just contact them and tell them my guys name and the cancellation fee was only 10$. WRONG. What they failed to tell me when i agreed to sign up was itd be 10$ Fee for every month left in my contract. And they in fact did not lower my bill one bit, when in all reality me being with them raised my bill by 30$ every month.when i was with the supplier for aep i used 1,448 kw and the bill was 176$ when i was using aep supplier. After i switched to this company i used 1,182 kw and my bill was 180$! Thats a 266 kw difference and yet it was the same price. They are liars and pure fraud. DO NOT FALL FOR THEIR SCHEMES.

Liv from Columbus, OH on June 18th, 2018
Hello Liv,
We are sorry to hear that you did not have a good experience with us. We appreciate the feedback and bringing this matter to our attention. At Frontier Utilities we strive to provide exceptional customer service and sincerely apologies for any inconvenience you may had. Based on the name provided in your review, we are unable to locate your Frontier account and your contact information. Please contact us at or call 1866-926-8192 and ask for Araceli so we can get this matter resolved immediately.
We are open Monday to Friday 7 am until 6:00 PM CST. We are also here to serve you on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.
Thank you.
Araceli R.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
THey will lie to your face and have false paperwork
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Had a team come to our hosue, show us paperwork and breakdown the electric / gas bill for our Duke eneregy bill. Showed us exactly how the bill would be changed, and told us to "say yes on the phone" to the people at duke to change the service.

Our bill we were told would be 20 dollars cheaper a month.... IT INCREASED BY OVER 125 a month. Considering a class action lawsuit against this company for its consumer fraud and unsafe business practices.


Rj from Cincinnati, OH on May 25th, 2018
We are sorry to hear that you did not have a good experience with us and we want to thank you for the feedback and bringing this matter to our attention. At Frontier Utilities we strive to provide exceptional customer service and sincerely apologies for any inconvenience you may had. Based on the name provided in your review, I am unable to locate your Frontier account and your contact information. Please contact us at or call 1866-926-8192 and ask for Araceli so we can get this matter resolved immediately.
We are open Monday to Friday 7 am until 6:00 PM CST. We are also here to serve you on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Thank you.
Araceli R.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
Stay away from these liars
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Their door to door salesman signed us up without consent and after I specifically told him not to. Both he and the the person on the phone lied about their rates. Now I am being charged for cancelling. Don't even let these liars through your door.

Eric from Columbus, OH on May 22nd, 2018
Hello Mr. Eric Swanson,
I've previously sent you an email regarding your feedback you posted in Facebook, but I got no response. We are sorry to hear that you were not satisfied with the service we provided. My name is Araceli and I reviewed your account at Frontier Utilities, feel free to contact me directly via email at, you can also call at PH#1866-926-8192 and request to speak with Araceli R.I'll be more than happy to speak with you regarding your account. We are open Monday to Friday 7 am until 6:00 PM CST. We are also here to serve you on Saturdays from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM.

Thank you.
Araceli R.
— Frontier Utilities
Overall Rating
Misleading salesman
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This is just an example of not trusting salesmen and I have learned my lesson thanks to Frontier.

I was misled by the salesmen who was showing that I would have a cheaper rate it I used Frontier as my supplier. He very clearly pointed to a number on my past electric bill and said that was what I was currently paying as a rate. His rate quote was 7.7c which was cheaper than the number he pointed out, however my rate was actually significantly less than his cheaper quote. Now my bill has been 30 or more a month and I feel very upset about this situation.

I am reviewing my experience everywhere I can, to prevent anyone else from making a similar error. Thanks for the life lesson Frontier

Kelly from Columbus, OH on March 19th, 2018
Hi Kelly, we understand your frustration and truly appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We are sorry to hear that you did not have a good experience with us as a Frontier customer, and would love the opportunity to connect with you directly to see what how we can improve. Can you please email us at with your name and account information so that we can investigate further? Hope to connect with you soon.
— Frontier Utilities

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