The overall score for NRG Home is 3.03. Their best category was Market Perception where they earned a score of 4.42, while their worst rating came in at 1.00 in Communications. More detailed information on these ratings is available on our NRG Home Rating Detail page.
Rating Overall
Market Perception
What People Are Asking About NRG Home
Ohio electricity deregulation, and Retail Electricity Providers can be complicated.
To answer your frequently asked questions about NRG Home read on.
What is the cheapest electricity plan that NRG Home has?
The cheapest NRG Home plan is 12-Month Electric Choice Plan with a rate starting at 9.50¢ per kWh. Customers of NRG Home can expect their average bill to fall around $95 per month on this plan.
This plan's early termination fee is $0. This is a 12 month plan.
NRG Home has 10 electricity plans in 5 states, 3 plans in Illinois, 3 plans in Massachusetts, and 4 in 3 other states
What do customers think about NRG Home?
The average customer review in Ohio is 1.8.
The average NRG Home customer review is 2.2 / 5 stars.
For a different take you can go on over to our company ratings page for NRG Home
What are the cheapest natural gas plans that NRG Home has?
This retailer does not offer any natural gas plans in your area at this time.
What Do You Do When Your Electricity Supplier Files Bankruptcy?
Find out what happens if your energy supplier leaves Ohio.
In March, Volunteer Energy Services filed for bankruptcy in Columbus, Ohio. This family owned company served roughly 212,000 customers in Ohio and neighboring states. To be sure, the past few years have been hard on many energy suppliers. But what about keeping the power on at your home? After all, you want to know what to do if your energy supplier goes bust? So, with all that in mind, let's review what happens if your electric provider leaves the state.
How Did Volunteer Go Under?
Though Volunteer Energy Services served electricity customers, it mainly focused on supplying natural gas in Ohio, especially for winter heating. However, in recent years, warmer winters reduced the amount of the natural gas that the company sold. Small business and restaurant shut downs during the pandemic in 2020 cut further into the company’s sales. When the big freeze in Texas struck in 2021, it choked off wholesale natural gas supplies for days. So, Volunteer had to buy gas at higher prices from the secondary market. And though the company tried selling off some of its assets, the deals fell through. As a result, Volunteer couldn't pay $12.6 million owed to its wholesale suppliers. And so the company filed bankruptcy. In recent news, NRG Home agreed to purchase what remains of the company.
What to Expect When an Ohio Supplier Goes Bust
Now, if your electricity supplier files for bankruptcy or decides to leave the state, don't worry. Your power will stay on. This is because Ohio state laws protect customers in the event of a company leaving with the “provider of last resort”. This means your local utility will continue to supply your home at the default rate.
If Your Electricity Supplier Goes Bust Or Leaves Ohio
Though rare, some energy suppliers will leave the state. For that reason, Ohio state laws prevent failed suppliers leaving customers in the dark. The Public Utility Commission of Ohio (PUCO ) enforces the laws covering Ohio electricity suppliers. This includes how to handle suppliers who leave the state because they go out of business or violate Ohio law.
When a supplier decides to leave the state, they must mail a written notice to their customers within two weeks. This notice gives you 15 days to choose a new supplier to take their place. You can choose between staying with your local utility or switching to a new retail Ohio electricity supplier.
If you choose to stay with your utility, you usually don't need to do anything. However, you will pay the utility’s default Price to Compare rate. On the other hand, you can shop for a new supplier. If that's so, then you’ll want to start as soon as possible.
The best place to do that is at Here you can quickly compare plans and rates. You can also read customer reviews and choose the one that best fits your needs and save you money. Plus you’ll also find news about events affecting your Ohio energy bills.
Checkout these 3 great strategies to help you put together the perfect energy plan for your new home and still save on electric rates.
Lower Your Moving Stress, Save on Electric Rates
Figuring out the perfect plan for your new home can be difficult. If you’re a first timer in the Ohio Electricity Choice market, or are just strapped for time, you may find yourself paying the local utility's higher default rate for your electricity. Additionally, how can you stay ahead of the forecasted retail price increases for this year? But don't worry! We’ve got 3 great strategies that can help you keep your first couple months easy to work with. See how other movers save on their electric rates in Ohio!
The Temporary Variable Rate
Let's start with a short term. A month to month variable rate can give you a little more time to shop. Sure, you could stick with your utility for the time being, but why not look at a good introductory rate plan? Provision’s month to month plan starts off at a super low rate in most areas. It’s currently priced around 4.99 cents per kWh depending on your location. Using this cheap electricity your first month can give you plenty of time to find your perfect plan.
The Short Term Fixed
Need a little more time than a month? You want a fixed rate, then. You may think your only option is a full year. It's not. Instead, a 3 month plan can give you more flexibility without the long commitment. We recommend seeing if NRG Home’s Electric Choice 3 Month Plan is available in your area. On the positive side, these plans have no cancellation fee, meaning if you find your perfect plan, it won’t cost you extra to cancel the low rate with NRG Home. On the negative however, be sure you watch for the renewal notices because this plan automatically converts to a potentially expensive variable rate.
Find A Year Long Deal Fast
Picking a 12 month plan early is a great way to save electricity in the long term, especially right now while rates are still low.We recommend taking a look at Tomorrow Energy's plans for your area. Tomorrow Energy’s plans are some of the lowest consistent prices for electricity around Ohio. A great fixed rate means that if electricity prices go up, your bill won’t. In the event that you find a rate that better fits your needs, you can always cancel. Tomorrow Energy keeps a low early termination rate of $75, making it easy to switch to another company if their plan is better. Also, be ready for your contract end date because if you ignore the renewal notices, Tomorrow Energy will switch you to a variable rate.
Shop and Compare Ohio Electricity Rates
When you save on your electric rates, you keep your moving stress at bay! There are so many plans available and one of them should be perfect for your move. We have tons of great rates for your area. If you’ve found your rate, be sure to check out the many great tips and tricks for keeping your electricity bills hassle free. However, if you need to find a great deal fast, head on over to for more great prices.