Customer Reviews for OHG&E

People have been reviewing OHG&E on OH Energy Ratings, giving you an understanding of being OHG&E's customer is like.

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OHG&E's Customer Reviews Summary

OHG&E Scores and Ratings:

OH Energy Ratings Overall Score for OHG&E

2.0 / 5

OHG&E Reviews

1 Reviews for OHG&E


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Does OHG&E take reviews seriously?

OHG&E has an average user review of 1.0 / 5.0 stars; they respond to 100% of their customer's reviews.

How do I leave a review for OHG&E?

At OH Energy Ratings you will find one of the most straightforward, comprehensive, and longest-running OHG&E customer review communities around. With 1 reviews so far, we pride ourselves in our ability to showcase and facilitate customer reviews so that you know you'll be getting the electricity provider that's right for you! If you are a OHG&E customer and would like to make yourself heard, then you are welcome to leave a review on our OHG&E Customer Reviews Page.

Overall Rating
This company is a HUGE rip off!
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

After my "promotional rate" ended my gas bill has quadrupled! I went from paying just under $5/mcf to almost $10/mcf!!! That isn't literally almost DOUBLE everyone else's rates! Why???

Ej from Eastlake, OH on March 2nd, 2022

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Plan Name
The 'MRC' or 'Monthly Recurring Charge' is a fee that the provider will add to each of your bills in addition to the electricity/gas usage charges.
Secure Choice 12
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
Fixed Rate Non-Renewable
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Secure Green Choice 12
$0.00 monthly recurring charge
Fixed Rate Renewable
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