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Frequently Asked Questions About Ohio Natural Gas Service

What if I'm interested in buying Ohio Natural Gas's energy plans?

We currently do not offer any Ohio Natural Gas plans at this time.

Other popular plans you can try instead are Major Energy's Secure Choice 12 starting at 0¢/kWh or Kiwi Energy's Kiwi Zero Gas 50 Web starting at 0¢/kWh just to name a few!

What companies are similar to Ohio Natural Gas?

Some companies that are like Ohio Natural Gas in price range and user ratings are Major Energy and Kiwi Energy.

Here is an overview of these two:

Major Energy:

  • Average Plan Rate: 13.4¢/kWh
  • Plan Types: Fixed Rate
  • Cheapest 12 Month Fixed: Secure Choice 12 0¢/kWh
  • Cheapest 24 Month Fixed: -
  • Average User Rating: 1.8/5.0

Kiwi Energy:

  • Average Plan Rate: 4.2¢/kWh
  • Plan Types: Intro Rate
  • Cheapest 12 Month Plan Fixed: -
  • Cheapest 24 Month Plan Fixed: -
  • Average User Rating: 0/5.0

Is Ohio Natural Gas good?

Ohio Natural Gas has a customer rating of 2.3/5.0 stars (this is out of 5 reviews). This score is calculated by averaging the total number of reviews in our website.

What are some good companies in my area?

In Hamilton, Ohio there is:
  1. Energy Harbor 4.5/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 9.2¢/kWh.
  2. Santanna Energy Services 4.5/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 10.1¢/kWh.
  3. Symmetry Energy Solutions 3.8/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 0¢/kWh.
  4. Constellation 3.7/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 9.2¢/kWh.
  5. Public Power 3.6/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 8.6¢/kWh.
  6. Direct Energy 3.6/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 9.7¢/kWh.
  7. Provision Power & Gas 3.1/5.0 with an avg. plan rate of 13.5¢/kWh.

What are some cheap electricity plans in my area?

The most affordable electricity plans in Hamilton, Ohio are:

    How much do electricity plans cost per month?

    The monthly bill will vary by season (with the winter and summer seasons being the more expensive periods) and the size of your home. In 2022 in Hamilton, Ohio, the average electricity plan rate is 9.8¢/kWh. On average, that means

    • A small home will use around 500kWh of energy times 9.8¢/kWh totalling $49 per month.
    • An average-sized home will use around 1000kWh of power times 9.8¢/kWh totalling $98 per month.
    • A large home will use around 2000kWh of power times 9.8¢/kWh totalling $196 per month.

    You can price electricity plans in your area here.

    News Articles About Ohio Natural Gas

    How to Get Ready for an Ohio Cold Snap

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    Will an Ohio Cold Snap Come?

    Cold snaps are not new to Ohio. Learn ways to cut your energy usage to save more on your natural gas and electric bills this winter!
    Learn how you can cut your natural gas and electric bills this winter, especially if a cold snap blasts your home. Start now to save more!

    Even for homes getting the cheapest electricity rates, winter is the most expensive time of the year. Furnace run times and the high price of natural gas, can lead to some of the worst Ohio energy bills of the year. Let's not forget that a variety of factors may lead to this winter being colder than last year. That's why it's important for Ohio homes to get ready for a possible cold snap. Let's talk about how you can weatherize your home, so you don't waste energy and lose money.

    How Likely Is Ohio Cold Snap?

    NOAA predicted close to 57% odds that a La Nina could form. If this happens, it would lead to more snow in the state. As a result, more homes would need heat to keep warm and comfy. This would then lead to higher-than-predicted natural gas demand and higher prices.

    Despite this, EIA predictions hold that this year's energy prices should be close to the same as last year. While the north will likely be colder, there is plenty of natural gas in storage. However, we don't know how cold things will get. Plus, cold snaps are growing more common. Each year, there is a chance that the Polar Vortex could destabilize, usually in late December or early January. If it does, then it would bring extended periods of intense cold. At more than a month out, it's hard to predict with real certainty. So it's smart to plan ahead and prepare for the worst, while we hope for the best.

    Ohio Home Weatherization

    The first thing you'll want to look into, is weatherizing your home. Weatherizing projects help you save money, by reducing your home's energy loss. They can make your home more comfortable all year round and help you save more on Ohio natural gas prices.

    To start, give your home an energy assessment to seal air leaks. You can do this yourself for doors, windows, and accessible pipes with caulk or expanding foam. Be sure to call your utility or energy company to see if they offer free or discounted professional assessments. Once you're done, you'll likely know where to start, to keep your home nice and sealed.

    Did you know that heat loss through old, inefficient windows is responsible for about 25%-30% of home energy loss? You can limit this loss by replacing your windows with energy efficient options. In fact, estimates show that you could save anywhere from $100-$583 per year if you replace all your windows.

    DIY Ohio Energy Savings

    You can also save money by making time for these DIY energy saving projects.

    For example, insulating your water heater tank can save you 7%-18% on your bills per year. You would just need a tape measure, marker, scissors, gloves and a duct mask, electrical tape, someone to help you, and a water heater insulating blanket kit. This would cost about $30, but your local utility may offer discounted kits or rebates.

    Lastly, be sure to check out these quick 10 energy saving tips.

    Get Ready for the Coming Cold

    It's too early to predict for sure when Ohio will face a cold snap this winter. However, that uncertainty is more than enough of a reason to get ready. Weatherize your home and start saving energy today so you can keep more of your money.

    You can also find savings by shopping for the best electricity rates at https://www.ohenergyratings.com. We also keep you up to date with news and tips that could affect your bills.

    PUCO Schedules Hearing on Dominion Energy 30% Gas Rate Hike

    Posted on

    Increased Gas Rate is Possible

    A substantial gas rate increase on the delivery part of your Dominion Energy Gas bills could coming to your monthly bills!
    Dominion Energy is seeking is a substantial gas rate increase on its delivery charges to your monthly bills. Find out what you can do to pay less!

    On April 2, PUCO is holding a public hearing about the proposed Dominion Energy rate increase. With the rising cost of living across the US, this does spark some concerns. The Ohio Consumer’s Council (OCC) is opposing the rate increase for several reasons. Because of its size, we’re going to talk about why Dominion is seeking a rate increase, and how it may affect your natural gas bills.

    Cost Recovery Is Hiking Gas Rate

    This rate increase is asking around 30% more for distribution costs. This for the infrastructure and not the cost of the gas itself, which is at a significant low right now. Dominion has put in a substantial amount of money into its systems, however, this hike would add about $100 extra to your natural gas bill every year. But, Dominion hasn’t asked for a rate increase since 2007. And I think we all agree things now are very different than they were back then. On the other hand, $100 extra every year is a lot of money. And that’s not everything Dominion wants to change.

    Gas Rate Hikes And Fee Increases?

    In addition, Dominion also wants to add more riders and fees to their bills. So not only is there this 30% transmission increase, but Dominion is seeking a 10 year fee-increase schedule. This would start off easy, at a little $2.95 additional charge, but could balloon up to an additional $29 every month by 2032. This means that by 2032, your bills may increase by $448 per year.

    The OCC Sticks Up for Consumers

    Back when these changes were announced, Dominion opened up an option for a public discussion, which will take place on April 2nd. The OCC is very much against these rate increases and has filed its opposition. You’ll also have a chance to let Dominion know how you feel about these changes. And there’s still time to lessen the blow of Dominion’s price increases. You can check out Ohio natural gas prices and see what beats the Dominion price to compare. Just because transmission rates may increase doesn’t mean your bills have to on top of that. Shopping around for the best deal is going to be incredibly important if these increases pass.

    Keep An Eye On Ohio Gas Rates

    Be sure to keep an ear out for what rate increases may be coming your way. While these increases haven’t passed yet, it is likely a rate increase will happen in the near future. We’ll keep you updated on all the latest natural gas news. But if you’re looking to get ahead of the curve, make sure you shop around at www.ohenergyratings.com for the best deals.

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