Customer Reviews for Provision Power & Gas

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Provision Power & Gas's Customer Reviews Summary

Provision Power & Gas Scores and Ratings:

OH Energy Ratings Overall Score for Provision Power & Gas

3.3 / 5

Provision Power & Gas Reviews

38 Reviews for Provision Power & Gas


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What People Are Asking About Reviews for Provision Power & Gas?

Is Provision Power & Gas good?

Provision Power & Gas is generally rated with an average user review of 2.5/5.0 stars. They have a wide variety of energy plans suited to any energy need starting from rates as low as 5.59¢/kWh!

Is Provision Power & Gas expensive?

Provision Power & Gas has energy plans starting as low as 4.99¢/kWh with their Monthly Plan. The average Provision Power & Gas plan rate is 9.02¢/kWh. The average rate for energy plans across other retail providers is 8¢/kWh.

Who is the best electricity provider in Ohio?

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Does Provision Power & Gas take reviews seriously?

Provision Power & Gas has an average user review of 2.5 / 5.0 stars; they respond to 20% of their customer's reviews.

How do I leave a review for Provision Power & Gas?

At OH Energy Ratings you will find one of the most straightforward, comprehensive, and longest-running Provision Power & Gas customer review communities around. With 31 reviews so far, we pride ourselves in our ability to showcase and facilitate customer reviews so that you know you'll be getting the electricity provider that's right for you! If you are a Provision Power & Gas customer and would like to make yourself heard, then you are welcome to leave a review on our Provision Power & Gas Customer Reviews Page.

Recent Good Review from Dan D

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Good price
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Still confused but our bill went down $120 from last month but the price per kwh was 11.25 not the .04 I thought we were paying

Bryan from Springfield, OH on September 4th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
So far so good
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I have a nice price but didnt realize it was avariable price so time will tell.

Jane from Elyria, OH on July 17th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! Provision offers 12-month fixed-rate plans. If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Switching Powers to cheaper providers.
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Kind of too soon for experience review first month is without incident for Gas but my electric hasnt switched over yet??? Its still under Shipley.

Jane Shriver from Elyria, OH on July 6th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! The utility timeframe for onboarding to a new supplier is 1-2 billing cycles. If you would like an estimated start date provided by the utility, please contact our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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None from Columbus, OH on May 23rd, 2022
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything at all our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9am to 7:30pm ET. You can call us at call 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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I just made a switch to Provision Power & Gas! I researched and found much much better rates.....and I did it all online! They made it so easy.....once you sign up they do everything get a confirmation of your order with all the info you need for your records, and they take it all from there. Love it when they make it soooo easy! And you save money!!!!!

Wow! from Cincinnati, OH on January 19th, 2021
Awesome! We're so happy you've joined us to use your energy for good. If you need anything at all, please reach out to our Customer Care team at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Easy and quick signup
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Easy to sign up, good rate for power and nat. Gas.

Month to month account hope they will not vary much.

Ed from Dayton, OH on January 9th, 2021
Thanks for joining us, Ed! We're so happy to have you with us. If you have any questions about your rate, you can call us anytime - we never change to change your plan! You can reach us at 800-930-5427 or online at or
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
So far so good.
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I live alone so I know how much electric I use. I just hope this isn't an introductory price and raise later. It's an ongoing experiment.

Dan D from Peninsula, OH on September 12th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! Provision offers 12-month fixed-rate plans. If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
New customer
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Simple to sign up

Steven from Cleveland, OH on July 16th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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My Account
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Smooth transition.

Jeff T. from Strongsville, OH on May 24th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Find Savings
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

My budget bill has been $201.00 per month. I had 30 days at a very low cost and my bill was only $116.00. I will be checking for their cost to date to determine what I will do next.

Diana from Pickerington, OH on October 20th, 2022
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything at all our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9am to 7:30pm ET. You can call us at call 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Akron Aggregate
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Account Management
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I somehow without my knowledge got switched to the Akron Aggregate plan although I never received their "postcard". I had SCO for many years and loved and was told it is no longer available by Dominion (which I later found out to be a lie). I got robbed by city of Akron for triple the rate I was paying for the 3 coldest winter months, of course.They claim it took 3 billing cycles for provision to take affect and my bill is back to where it was with the SCO.Thank You.

Brian Capan from Akron, OH on April 18th, 2022
Good afternoon, it appears that your DEO account is still Active with Provision Power & Gas. Please contact Customer Care at 800-930-5427 in regards to your enrollment and how best we can reach a resolution.

Thank you.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Its all about what yu know
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I signed up with the sales agent at the door and at first I was confused she helped me along but you got to understand the program to see the benefit.

Jessica Vanote from Cincinnati, OH on April 28th, 2021
Hi - thank you for your review of Provision! Our goal is to provide customers with the best service and clear explanations. Please contact us at 800-930-5427 anytime if we can be of help. Thanks for using your energy for good with us!

— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Great Savings
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I love this company and have saved tons of money by switching to them as gas and electric supplier. They helped to cut the supply portion of my bill clean in half. I recommend talking to them if they give you call.

Amy from Akron, OH on September 18th, 2018
Hi Amy, thank you for taking time to leave your feedback. We strive to provide exceptional service to our customers. So, we are pleased to hear that you had a great experience with us.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Good intro price but not second month
Plans & Pricing
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Price after introductory is too high. Not competitive.

J from Hiram, OH on April 28th, 2023
Good afternoon, Provision currently offers fixed-rate options. Please call Provision at 1-800-930-5427 so we can answer any questions and concerns you may have. <br /><br />Thank you, <br />Provision
— Provision Power & Gas
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I have lived in apartments for awhile but I didn't even know choosing a supplier was a thing. A representative knocked on my door and explained it all to me, but they purposely make it confusing and make you think this is something you have to give your information for and is just a change in your services, NOT that it's an optional thing. Several of their practices are how scams operate, including a phone call where they ask you 10 questions and only want you to answer Yes to them and nothing else, and a confirmation number you have to write down that you don't actually need (I'm pretty sure the confirmation number is fake and is just to make you think it's more legit). I supposedly was able to cancel it by talking to their online chat, but now I'm paranoid that they won't actually cancel it for me.

Kris from Fairborn, OH on April 30th, 2024
Im really sorry to hear about your experience. Its concerning to hear that our representative made the process confusing and stressful. This is not the experience we want for our customers.

Please contact our customer service directly at 1-800-930-5427 to ensure your concerns are addressed and your cancellation is confirmed. We take these issues seriously and want to resolve this for you.

Thank you for your feedback.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Highest bill in 30 yrs
Plans & Pricing
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Thought I was making a switch for the better. However our usage was up also.

High Bill from Fremont, OH on February 7th, 2024
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Bait and Switch
Plans & Pricing
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Signed up due to the price. I didn't realize it was only for 1 month and then reverted to about the same I was paying with AEP--In addition did not even get the monthly deal--so my cost was .11 before and now .109 and there were no months that the monthly .049 was applied.

Susan Hayes from Powell, OH on September 29th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! Provision offers 12-month fixed-rate plans. If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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Likely to recommend

I originally signed up for a variable rate of .0499. When my first bill came they charged me .0959. I immediately cancelled and went with another supplier. I received a call from Provision questioning my switch. He said the current rate was .0795. I said that I was getting a 11 month for .0595. He said thanks for your time. In the meantime I called customer service about my incorrect charge and she said I would be getting a refund. Excellent customer service.

Richard Ruehle from Tiffin, OH on July 31st, 2023
We are sorry to hear you switched suppliers. If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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Likely to recommend

The advertised rate for tge first 30 days was not what i was charged.

Bruce from Reynoldsburg, OH on April 14th, 2022
Good afternoon, it appears that your DEO account is still Active with Provision Power & Gas. Please contact Customer Care at 800-930-5427 in regards to your enrollment and how best we can reach a resolution.

Thank you.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Harassing Door-to-Door Sales
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

They keep sending sales reps to my house. I tell them I am not interested, I've complained to their corporate office and been told they would stop, and still their sales people keep harassing me. I would burn coal before I used this supplier.

Elizabeth from Greenfield, OH on March 27th, 2024
Im sorry to hear about your experience. Please contact our customer service team directly at 1-800-930-5427 so we can resolve this issue promptly. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Rep made me uncomfortable
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Account Management
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I had a rep show up at my door and I told him I couldnt talk over signing up at the time but he kept insisting it would take a few minutes. I started filling out the form on my phone and read through the checklist. He did not do several of the things I was supposed to sign off that he did. But as he was watching my screen, I felt uncomfortable and selected that he did everything. Then when the verification call came, he told me to say yes to everything. One of the questions was if he had left the premises, I answered yes but he had not. I felt uncomfortable as he was standing right there and said that he had left. I will be calling my providers in the morning to cancel. I tried to report the incident via chat but the rep said she already did took my complaint, which wasnt true at all. The whole situation feels very predatory.

Uncomfortable Interaction from Tiffin, OH on January 29th, 2024
We are sorry to hear this. We would love the opportunity to investigate this further. If you could please contact Provision Customer Care at 800-930-5427, we can find the best solution for you. Hoping to hear from you soon.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
No response
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Contacted completed all necessary paperwork with no response.

No Response. from Seville, OH on August 9th, 2023
We're so happy to have you onboard! If you need anything, our Customer Care team is standing by to help Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 7:30 pm ET. You can call us at 800-930-5427 or reach us online at or Thanks for using your energy for good!
— Provision Power & Gas
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

I have yet to see a bill reflecting my choice changes.

Disappointed from Painesville, OH on October 8th, 2022
We are sorry to hear this. Generally, it takes 1 to 2 billing cycles to see choice changes reflect on your bill. We would love the opportunity to investigate this further. If you could please contact Provision Customer Care at 800-930-542. We are hoping to hear from you soon.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Plans & Pricing
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

If you like worrying about getting your electric getting shut off use them. They charge $300 more a month than the regular carrier. Their sales people will lie about services to get you to use them.

Molly from Cleveland, OH on July 25th, 2022
We are sorry to hear this. We would love the opportunity to investigate this further. If you could please contact Provision Customer Care at 800-930-5427, we can find the best solution for you. Hoping to hear from you soon.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I have no idea how it even works. nobody called me. no email. I have no idea how the rate compares to others. Miserable experience. Regret.

Patricia Marshall from New Paris, OH on January 9th, 2022
Good afternoon, your account was enrolled on 11/9/2021 via the ERCOM website. Your account began services on 1/24/2022. Please call Provision at 1-800-930-5427 so we can answer any questions and concerns you may have.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Rip off
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Started ay 2.9 per. jumped to5.43,then 6.

Brockman Appl. from Fort Recovery, OH on April 21st, 2021
We are sorry to hear this. It does not appear that Provision is offering that rate and we would love the opportunity to investigate this further. If you could please contact Provision Customer Care at 800-930-5427, we can find the best solution for you. Hoping to hear from you soon.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

These people have been to my house 3 times and was extremely rude every single time. All three times was during the pandemic and not ONCE did they wear a mask! Then DEMANDED that I bring them

my bill so that they can review it and when I explained that I wasnt interested they wouldnt take no for an answer and the last time they were here my baby started crying so I explained to them that I had to go, they had a crappy remark. So tired of people thinking they can just come to my house and demand that I give them attention or demand they review my bills.

Sarah from Toledo, OH on March 3rd, 2021
Hi - we sincerely apologize for your experience. This does not meet our quality standards, and it's our priority is to abide by and respect all social distancing and COVID protocols. Please contact us at 800-930-5427 so we can learn more about your experience to ensure it does not happen again. We hope to hear from you soon.

— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Don't use this company
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

This company is a RIP off. I have seen a higher bill since signing up. Canceled 2 months ago and still seeing on my bill with higher charges than my regular AEP bill.

Stay Far Away from Westerville, OH on February 6th, 2021
Good afternoon, please call Provision at 1-800-930-5427 so we can answer any questions and concerns you may have.

Thank you,
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

The only experience I have with this company is their sales representative knocking on my door 30 minutes ago to try to get me to sign up... in the middle of a pandemic, during a stay-at-home order in Ohio. Appalling.

Alie from Westerville, OH on December 11th, 2020
We are sorry to hear this. We would love the opportunity to investigate this further. If you could please contact Provision Customer Care at 800-930-5427. Hoping to hear from you soon.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Get what you pay for
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Got a confirmation number on my order. after two months they have no record of order or confirmayion number

Hornsby from Tipp City, OH on December 15th, 2019
It appears that the enrollment details were not received on our end - we apologize for this inconvenience. We look forward to the opportunity to earn your business again in the future.
— Provision Power & Gas
Overall Rating
Representative Rude
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I just had a representative from Provision Gas stating she can save me money on my bill. If I just grab my bill and give her the account information. I stated that I am not interested, and she responds with a sarcastic attitude "how are you not interested in saving money and getting a lower rate"? Then she continued with the attitude and sarcastic comments.

I suggest your people that are representing your company to work on their customer service skills and their sales pitch. Very rude and if that is how they are going to be I have no interest in switching to that company!

Cheri L. from Greenville, OH on October 24th, 2018
We sincerely apologize for your experience -- this behavior doesn't reflect our core values. We are always reviewing our calls for quality assurance. Our goal is to ensure customers are provided with all options to meet their needs while experiencing great customer service. If we can still be of assistance, please give us a call 800-279-9023
— Provision Power & Gas

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