Customer Reviews for Vista Energy

People have been reviewing Vista Energy on OH Energy Ratings, giving you an understanding of being Vista Energy's customer is like.

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Vista Energy Scores and Ratings:

OH Energy Ratings Overall Score for Vista Energy

2.5 / 5

Vista Energy Reviews

55 Reviews for Vista Energy


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Vista Energy has an average user review of 4.4 / 5.0 stars; they respond to 100% of their customer's reviews.

How do I leave a review for Vista Energy?

At OH Energy Ratings you will find one of the most straightforward, comprehensive, and longest-running Vista Energy customer review communities around. With 11 reviews so far, we pride ourselves in our ability to showcase and facilitate customer reviews so that you know you'll be getting the electricity provider that's right for you! If you are a Vista Energy customer and would like to make yourself heard, then you are welcome to leave a review on our Vista Energy Customer Reviews Page.

Recent Good Review from karol

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The process was easy and the information provided answered all my questions.

Sharon from Lakewood, OH on November 24th, 2019
Overall Rating
Cost Has Been Consistent
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Likely to recommend

A young lady came out and showed me a better rate, so I switched to Vista. I've been with them for three months now and so far, their service has been great. The cost has been consistent and I would tell others to go with them.

Tikila Rufus from Cleveland, OH on January 29th, 2019
Overall Rating
Good at keeping bills low
Plans & Pricing
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Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I've been with Vista for six months and so far, my experience has been very good. I've only had one high bill, and that was when I was running the air conditioner through all the heat. The reps have been very nice and professional. I've been very happy and I've told people about it.

Tonya Dennon from Cincinnati, OH on September 27th, 2018
Overall Rating
Vista has helped 100%
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

I've been with Vista Energy for a couple of years now and I just renewed with them. I like their price, and their reps have been great as they answer all my questions and are timely. Vista has helped me 100% in my day-to-day life as I am able to save money and do more things with my savings.

Levy Hill from Cincinnati, OH on September 27th, 2018
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Good to recommend
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Account Management
Likely to recommend

Vista Energy is good. Because of the Lowes gift card that they offered me, I went with them. They explained everything well and everything that I needed to know about the energy. Their price is pretty well fair. I leave my aircon on a little longer because its hot and they kinda helped me cut my electric down a little bit and it got cheaper on me. I enjoy the service and I would like to continue on with it. If somebody asks about it, I would tell them about it and to get the energy.

Solemuli Afaese from Canton, OH on September 27th, 2018
Overall Rating
Good team and service
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

Duke Energy has a comparison website that one can go to and check the different suppliers and their rates. I got Vista Energy thinking it's gonna save me money. Everything has been fine with the Vista representatives I've spoken to over the phone. Their service is fine. However, the way they do the rates is a little bit different than others. One has to dig into it to figure out if it makes sense or not 'cause at first they had the 'a dollar a day' thing. Yet, the actual kilowatt per hour rate is good. I had to do a little bit of math and it worked out for me. So, if you're considering Vista Energy then check them out and see if it works for you.

John Tellep from Batavia, OH on September 27th, 2018
Overall Rating
Start and Save!
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Likely to recommend

I was able to save when I started using Vista Energy. Comparing them with other companies I've had before, they are about the same. Their bill comes and I pay them.

Joyce Chancellor from Berea, OH on September 27th, 2018
Overall Rating
I Recommend Vista
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Likely to recommend

Vista Energy Marketing has good service quality for what I'm paying for. I'd recommend Vista.

Mariann Dolosich from Cleveland, OH on September 27th, 2018
Overall Rating
Anna fromvista
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Likely to recommend

Great had no problem getting what I needed she was very friendly and professional

Karol from Creston, OH on September 9th, 2020
Overall Rating
Low prices are Great
Plans & Pricing
Order Experience
Customer Service
Account Management
Likely to recommend

I've been with Vista Energy for a year now. Some of the offers I received were higher than what I was already paying, and Vista's was lower. I pay the bill when it comes and their low price has been helpful to me.

Virgina Rock from Cincinnati, OH on September 27th, 2018
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Likely to recommend

They were giving me multiple supplier chargers I was paying over .19 a kWh when the market rate is about .06 a kWh and they never gave me my gift card I was supposed to receive Im with just energy now and I love them tell all your friends vista energy are scammers

Regina George from Columbus, OH on April 18th, 2019

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