How the Ratings Work

OH Energy Ratings ranks companies based on multiple independent data sources

We aggregate data from multiple sources, including our customer reviews from various states, hourly energy rates, Public Utilities Commission of Ohio complaint statistics, JD Power & Associates ratings, company standings with the Better Business Bureau, telephone and online surveys. We also take into account individual plan types, standard features offered by each electricity provider, account management features, customer rewards and incentive programs. Additionally, we test customer service wait times, order cycles, and dozens more data points to provide a comprehensive view of Ohio electricity and gas providers.

OH Energy Ratings recognizes that customers may use our site to justifiably complain about poor service and bad experiences with individual natural gas and electricity providers. However, our goal is not to be a complaint forum, but rather a community that takes many different aspects of a company into account in order to provide a balanced and fair overview to help benefit consumers.

OH Energy Ratings provides shoppers the opportunity to take an active hand in their deregulated energy markets. When customers rate, everyone wins.

Click below to see customer reviews for these energy suppliers:

CompanyRankingRating (0-5)
American Power & Gas23.97
Frontier Utilities33.89
Energy Harbor43.85
Tomorrow Energy53.72
CleanSky Energy63.65
Santanna Energy Services73.63
XOOM Energy83.45
Symmetry Energy Solutions93.39
Direct Energy103.34
Provision Power & Gas113.34
Mercury Energy123.17
Public Power133.05
NRG Home143.03
Verde Energy152.97
Starion Energy162.87
Major Energy172.73
Vista Energy182.48
Ohio Gas & Electric202
Nordic Energy Services212
My Choice Energy232
MC Squared Energy Services242
Lykins Energy Solutions252
Rushmore Energy262
Great American Power272
Future Now Energy282
Energy Co-op302
Planet Energy312
Plymouth Rock Energy322
Renaissance Power & Gas332
Residents Energy342
Spark Energy352
SFE Energy362
Snyder Brothers Energy Marketing382
Sperian Energy392
Star Energy Partners402
Switch Energy412
Volunteer Energy422
Ohio Natural Gas432
National Gas & Electric442
Capital Energy Services452
Smart Prepaid Electric472
conEdison Solutions482
Clearview Energy492
4 Choice Energy502
North American Power512
Kratos Gas and Power522
AEP Energy532
Hudson Energy542
Just Energy552
CleanChoice Energy562
Infinite Energy572
Mega Energy582
Liberty Power592
Green Mountain Energy602
Cirro Energy612
Champion Energy Services622
Ambit Energy632
Eligo Energy642
Dynegy Energy Services652
Cincinnati Bell Energy662
Capital Energy672
Bargain Energy682
Archer Energy692
Inspire Energy702
IDT Energy712
Energy Rewards722
Viridian Energy732
Town Square Energy742
Sunwave Gas & Power752
Perigee Energy762
Palmco Energy772
Think Energy782
Discount Power Inc.792
Kiwi Energy800
Eastern Power & Gas810
Spring Power & Gas820