44820 Electricity, and Natural Gas Information
Bucyrus 44820 stats
With a population of 18102 people, 44820 is Ohio 249th most populated zipcode and covers 160.14 square miles in Bucyrus.
Area codes in 44820 include 419/567.
4 Cities Nearest to Bucyrus
Sponsored & Trending Plans in 44820
Popular Plans in Bucyrus
Company & Plan | Term | Rate |
CleanSky Energy - Affordable Clean Gas 12 | 12 month | 0.535¢ |
American Power & Gas - Residential Clean Gas Plan | 1 month | 0.617¢ |
Constellation - 12 Month Home Natural Gas Plan | 12 month | 0.649¢ |
What Bucyrus customers have been saying
Gas provider
Constellation representative was very helpful in answering my questions and I recommend Constellation.