Find the Cheapest Natural Gas Rates for Bucyrus OH 44820

We have made it very easy to compare Bucyrus natural gas rates so you can get the right plan for your needs.

44820 Electricity, and Natural Gas Information

Bucyrus 44820 stats

With a population of 18102 people, 44820 is Ohio 249th most populated zipcode and covers 160.14 square miles in Bucyrus.

Area codes in 44820 include 419/567.

4 Cities Nearest to Bucyrus

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Popular Plans in Bucyrus

Company & Plan Term Rate
Provision Power & Gas - Monthly Plan 1 month 0.555¢
Symmetry Energy Solutions - 12 Month Fixed Rate 12 month 0.699¢
Kiwi Energy - Kiwi Zero Gas 50 Web 1 month 0.699¢

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Articles Around Bucyrus

Best 6 Month Fixed Rate Electricity in Bucyrus, OH

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Compare the cheapest 6 month electricity plans in Bucyrus, OH. Let us show you how to find the best rate that will help you save all through winter!
Compare the cheapest 6 month electricity plans in Bucyrus, OH. Let us show you how to find the best rate that will help you save all through winter!

Compare Best 6 Month Electricity Plans

The cold winter months are right around the corner, and that means it'll start costing more to help keep your home warm. With the cheap rates from the fall shoulder months over, electricity rates are beginning to rise. So what should you do if you need a cheap electricity plan in Bucyrus, OH? While signing up for a 12 month plan now might save you some money, the contract will end at the same time in 2020 after the fall shoulder months are over. However, if you sign up for a short 6 month plan now instead, the contract will end just in time to catch those cheap spring shoulder month rates.

Get the Cheapest Electricity Plans in Bucyrus, OH

Public Power’s 6 Month Fixed plan is the cheapest short term plan available in Bucyrus at the moment. With a low rate of 5.83 cents per kWh, and no cancellation fee, this plan is the cheapest fixed rate plan you can get. Public Power also offers its customers weekly and monthly usage reports which can help them anticipate their total monthly bill. APG&E’s TrueSimple6 plan is the second cheapest 6 month plan available. With competitive rate of 5.99 cents per kWh, it keeps up to Public Power’s 6 Month Fixed plan by offering online account tools. You can see your balance and review your usage. Or you can set up automatic payments on a specific date.

Compare Ohio Electricity Rates

Constellation Energy’s 6 Month Home Power Plan is a great plan, keeping inline with Constellation’s great deals. It has a low rate of 6.09 cents per kWh, and a low cancellation fee of $25. However don’t be discouraged by the cancellation fee though, as Constellation offers a satisfaction guarantee deal. Leaving the plan within the first 3 months will mean you won't have to pay the $25 cancellation fee. However, unlike many of the other plans offered, it does not have any online payment options in Ohio at the moment. But Constellation is still one of the highest rated electricity companies in Ohio. Quake Energy’s 6 Month Fixed plan is a very competitive plan. Having the same rate as the 6 Month Home Power Plan at 6.09 cents per kWh but a $50 cancellation fee. However unlike Constellation, the 6 Month Fixed plan has online payment, so you can pay your bill from anywhere with internet.

Energy Plans in AEP-Ohio Electricity Company

Santanna Energy Services Premier Pick 6 Month plan is a highly rated plan. With a rate of 6.89 cents per kWh and a $100 cancellation fee, it remains competitive with different online payment methods. You can pay by mail or even over the phone with your credit card or a check.  Vista Energy’s Fixed Price 6 Month plan is the last 6 month fixed rate plan available in Bucyrus, OH. With a rate of 7.99 cents per kWh, it has the highest rate, but has no cancellation fee. That means it's easier to leave the plan than other plans available. Don’t be frightened by the high rate though, the EIA predicts that electricity rates will decrease a small amount next year. That means when the spring shoulder months appear, prices will be much lower.

What is the Best Short Term Ohio Electricity Plan?

Each of these plans have a use, and varying levels of convenience. A couple of plans have online payment options more advanced than others. Some have lower electricity rates than others. A few plans have a cancellation fee, others don’t. But what's the best way to compare Ohio electricity companies Apples to Apples? If we measure by price, then Public Power’s 6 Month Fixed plan is the best plan. Along with the lowest electricity rate, there's also no cancellation fee and customer can get some helpful usage information to help manage their bill. Unfortunately, it lacks the online convenience compared to other plans. That said, however, Bucyrus electricity customers can set up an account with AEP, their local utility, to take advantage of online bill paying that way. For more deals on electricity savings, or tips on saving money on your electricity bill, check out