Find the Cheapest Natural Gas Rates for Dayton OH 45432

We have made it very easy to compare Dayton natural gas rates so you can get the right plan for your needs.

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Rates as of March 31st, 2025

What customers around Dayton are saying

Overall Rating
Great support
They offer a hundred percent renewable energy, $150 in perk money, and the agent that came by provided me all the information I needed to know, gave me his contact information, and the phone numbers to Residents, Centerpoint, and AES. The verification call is alittle long though.
  • Marissa K.
  • Dayton, OH
  • March 4th, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions in Dayton

What are the cheapest 24 month energy plans in my area 45432?

The most affordable gas plans in 45432 are

What plans does Constellation have in my area?

In your area, Constellation offers the following gas plans: The average rate of a 12 month fixed-rate gas plan in your area is around $7.548/MCF, ranging from $6.55/MCF to $8.95/MCF.

What is the average cost of a 6 month gas plan in the city of Dayton, OH?

The average rate of a 6 month fixed-rate gas plan is around $7.69/MCF, ranging from $7.69/MCF to $7.69/MCF. Popular plans in this range are

For 12 month plans, the average rate of a 12 month fixed-rate gas plan is around $7.548/MCF, ranging from $6.55/MCF to $8.95/MCF. Popular plans in this range are

Local Electricity, and Natural Gas information for 45432

Zip Stats for Dayton 45432

Dayton, Ohio, 45432 covers 7.52 square miles and has a population of 15288 people. This makes 45432 the 286th most populated zipcode region in Ohio.

Area codes in 45432 include 937.

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News Posts Around Dayton

Dayton Customers Face High Estimated Bills From Cold

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Are Your Dayton Energy Bills Higher?

Consumers saw estimated amounts on their February bills. Learn why these were higher than normal and how you can save more.
Extreme cold may have added an estimated $12.00 to $15.00 to average electricity bills in Ohio. Learn why some Dayton bills ran even higher.

Higher-than-normal electricity bills shocked many Dayton energy customers last month. February's cold snaps left them contacting news outlets and lawmakers about high bills and if it could happen again. However, the actual reasons for these high bills may not be as big a problem as they first appear. Still, it should still be a reason to shop for better electricity rates. Let's talk about why cold snaps may have driven up your Dayton bills and what you can do about it.

Dayton February Estimated Bills

On average, February cold pushed heating use about $12-$15 higher than normal. To put that in perspective, EIA estimates that Ohio homes spend close to $125 a month on their electricity bills. So this means because of the cold weather, the average home bill rose close to $140 last month.

AES Ohio explained that record low temperatures caused the higher-than-average electric bills. That's party due to the nearly 50,000 homes that don't have smart meters. Due to extreme cold, AES Ohio meter readers were unable to read these analog meters. As a result, these customers saw estimated charges on their bills, many of which may have been slightly higher than they should be.

Customers must still pay the estimated bill amount. But, AES Ohio will eventually take accurate readings and then credit any overcharges to their account.

Ohio Electric Rates May Rise

However, it's important to remember that meters aren't the only thing to worry about.

Right now the AES Ohio PTC rate is 9.17822 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh). But, with natural gas prices expected to rise, it's possible the PTC rate may rise as well. This means that unless you are practicing the best energy saving strategies, your future energy costs may rise. If that happens, then now's the time to shop during the shoulder month pricing season.

Ohio homes use an average of 811 kWh of energy per month. With the PTC rate, that adds to an average supply charge of about $74 on your bill. However, you would pay 7.99 cents per kWh if you switched to the Electric 12 Month Fixed Rate WITH MRC plan from Public Power. This equals an average supply charge of about $64 a month for 12 months ($10 less than AES Ohio). On top of the savings, Public Power has no early termination fee. This makes it convenient if you need to cancel should you have to move.

What Dayton Electric Customers Can Do

Thankfully, there are state programs you can take advantage of to keep the heat on during these last cold months. For example, HeatShare can help Columbia Gas of Ohio customers to help make payments or reconnect their service. If you need help with your winter bills it's best to call your utility and work with them to avoid disconnection.

You can also count on for news and tips that could affect your bills. You can also shop here for the best rates in town.