Declare Your Independence with the Best Electric Rate in Cleveland
Posted onFree Yourself From High Electricity Rates in Cleveland

Sure, The Illuminating Company’s Price to Compare doesn’t look horrible right now, so you might think you’re safe from the skyrocketing price of electricity. But that price to compare changes every month, and it just keeps going up! Save yourself a headache and a half, and check out these great plans. Declare your independence with the best electric rate in Cleveland.
Why Should I Look For A Fixed Rate in Cleveland?
Even though The Illuminating Company’s PTC on June 30 was only 6.584 cents per kWh, that doesn’t mean it’s going to stay there. The new PTC rate began July 1. Many other utilities across Ohio have been raising their rates as the price of natural gas increases. Other areas of Ohio have seen their PTCs jump by 6 cents per kWh in the last month alone. Comparatively, The Illuminating Company’s PTC has been steadily rising and is likely to continue rising. This is due to natural gas prices staying high, likely until the end of the summer, and probably well beyond that. This means that anyone who got a fixed rate back in January, or even April, is seeing locked-in price benefits that you aren’t. Let’s take a look at a solid plan that can keep your prices low before variable rates spike.
A Plan To Get You Through The Tough Times
Currently the cheapest fixed rate plan on the Cleveland market is from Constellation. Their 36-month plan only has a $25 termination fee and is priced at 9.99 cents per kWh. This is about .30 to 1 cent less than comparable plans in the Cleveland area. While it is likely to stay roughly 3 cents over the PTC in July, this protects your bills from spiking as the local utility rate changes over the next few months. Plus, when rates eventually drop, that $25 early termination fee is much smaller than other comparable plans which can have fees in excess of $100.
Save Money While You Can
With temperatures rising, rates rising, and inflation kicking us all when we’re down, you want to save money now. Getting a fixed rate can protect you in the long term from sudden rate increases. Decreasing your electricity usage can also help bring your bills down. And, if you’re struggling to pay your high bill, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
For more rates, ways to save, and more energy news for your area, check out