Seven Spooky & Energy Efficient Tips for a Monstrous Halloween at Your Home
Posted onA Spooky & Energy Efficient Halloween

Are you decorating your home for this Halloween? Then dear reader, beware! Fog machines, outdoor lighting, and special effects can haunt you with a ghastly bill from your Ohio energy supplier. But don't give up on your dreams of eerie October eves. That's because you can save energy and still make the most of your Halloween. Come close and listen to our seven energy efficient tips for a monstrous Halloween.
Beware Spooky Energy Vampires
Every home has with energy vampires. But unlike Dracula, these vampires aren't afraid of garlic.
- Smart Power Plugs: TVs, cellphones, and many other devices use electricity when they are plugged in, even when they aren't being used. But smart power plugs can cut the power off when your devices are in standby mode. Alternately, you can unplug unused devices that don't have to stay charged all day (i.e. laptops, coffee machines, etc.).
- LED Light Bulbs: Switch your old lights with energy-efficient light bulbs. They last 25% longer than incandescent bulbs, use up to 90% less energy than standard bulbs, and can save you up to $55 over the bulb's lifetime.
- Inspect Your Home: Don't forget to inspect your home for air leaks, especially around windows and doors. DIY project fans can even seal their own leaks on the cheap and save up to 10-20% on their bills.
- Candle Safety: Candles can make for an incredibly atmospheric Halloween party or scary movie night. But be sure to keep them far away from anything flammable, like clothes, books, or curtains. Also, keep them out of reach of children and pets so they won't get knocked over and burn the carpets. Finally, double check your fire alarms.
Keep Your Yard Safe And Spooky
Jack-o'-lanterns aren't the only way to make your yard fun for the holiday! But check out these tips before you cover your yard in wires and plugs. You don't want to ensnare unwary trick or treaters coming to your door.
- Solar Lighting: Use solar-powered outdoor lights for the eeriest path to your front door. You'll save money and make things a little safer for trick or treaters. Angle the light's solar panels to the south for optimal daytime charging. Keep the panels clean and out of the tree shade whenever possible.
- String Lights Safety: Inspect your string lights for damage before you use them. Replace any faulty bulbs or sets with frayed wires that you find. Be sure to check out this holiday light safety guide for smart fire safety tips.
- Weatherproof Your Decorations: Weather and outside elements are the biggest challenge with making a spooky and fun outdoors Halloween experience. But there are many simple tricks you can use to weather proof your decorations. For example, zip-ties can keep string lights from being blown away by strong winds.
Save Money With Cheap Halloween Electricity
There are many other ways to save money and energy this Halloween season. For example, shopping for cheap electricity rates can save you big bucks this spooky season.
The best place to start is to check out for the best deals in town. You can also count on us for the news and tips that could affect your bills. Happy Halloween!